Reconstruction of physical dance teaching content and movement recognition based on a machine learning model

Reconstruction of physical dance teaching content and movement recognition based on a machine learning model

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Publicado en 3C TIC – Volume 12 Issue 1 (Ed. 42)


Lei Li
Tingting Yang*



With the technological development of movement recognition based on machine learning model algorithms, the content and movements for physical dance teaching are also seeking changes and innovations. In this paper, a set of three-dimensional convolutional neural network recognition algorithms based on a machine learning model is constructed through the collection to recognition of sports dance movement data. By collecting the skeleton information of typical movements of physical dance, a typical movement dataset of physical dance is constructed, which is recognized by the improved 3D convolutional neural network recognition algorithm under the machine learning model, and the method is validated on the public dataset. The experimental results show that the 3D CNNs in this paper can produce relatively satisfactory results for sports dance action recognition with high accuracy of action recognition, which verifies the feasibility of the 3D convolutional neural network action recognition algorithm under the machine learning model for the acquisition to recognition of sports dance actions. It illustrates that the future can be better to open a new direction of physical dance education content through machine learning models in this form.


Palabras clave


Machine learning model; sports dance movements; DDPG algorithm model; 3D convolutional neural network movement recognition algorithm; movement skeleton information dataset

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