An Empirical Analysis of Trajectory Prediction Techniques for Motion Prediction in Waymo Dataset

An Empirical Analysis of Trajectory Prediction Techniques for Motion Prediction in Waymo Dataset

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología – Volume 12 Issue 2 (Ed. 44)


Devansh Arora
Parul Arora
Ritika Wason*



The Waymo is the prime and most varied autonomous driving dataset that improves and enhances itself every year. Motion Prediction is a considerable challenge in 2023. This manuscript analyses five considerable methods namely MTR-A, Wayformer, DenseTNT, Golfer and MultiPath++ for their technology applied. The analysis revealed that the Transformer network could achieve a state of the art trajectory prediction as well as scale to many workloads.


Palabras clave


Trajectory Prediction, Waymo Dataset, Motion Prediction, Transformer Network, Autonomous Driving.

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