Essential Spectrum of Discrete Laplacian – Revisited

Essential Spectrum of Discrete Laplacian - Revisited

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Publicado en 3C TIC – Volume 11 Issue 2 (Ed. 41)




Consider the discrete Laplacian operator A acting on l2(Z). It is well known from the classical literature that the essential spectrum of A is a compact interval. In this article, we give an elementary proof for this result, using the finite-dimensional truncations An of A. We do not rely on symbol analysis or any infinite-dimensional arguments. Instead, we consider the eigenvalue-sequences of the truncations An and make use of the filtration techniques due to Arveson. Usage of such techniques to the discrete Schrödinger operator and to the multi-dimensional settings will be interesting future problems.


Palabras clave


Essential Spectrum, Discrete Laplacian

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