Resiliencia. Experiencias investigativas y prospectivas


When I was asked to write the presentation of this work, many ideas crossed my mind but the most important was to live up to such a great responsibility. Hence the challenge of understanding the essence of this material and reading it I felt grateful to have accepted this privilege.

Resilience: Investigative and prospective experiences, it is a work that contains much more than you imagine. It is the first book in Ecuador that talks about resilience and that bases its field of action on a complete analysis that starts from the scientific to the historical.

Many are the specialists who tell us about resilience. However, in these pages, you will find the scientific bases explained in a practical and simple way, to reach the applicability.

There is a clear tendency in Latin countries to approach this proposal from the traditional perspective, the approach to face adversity. It talks about being based on the problem that the person has and the actions to be carried out, taking the root of the inconvenience as the basis to find the path that turns aggressive and that violates the human being in its very essence. The journey through this path prevails in the vast majority of societies and in this work you will find a new approach based on the principles of resilience and the potential of the individual in the face of a possible adverse society that he faces. The general basis is the human being along with his / her potentialities explored with respect and without violating the person with the objective of finding the solution to a certain inconvenience.

The focus and care provided in these pages goes through each of the living conditions, from fertilization to adulthood. Each probable situation, each reality unmasked in misfortune or abundance are analyzed based on studies of eminent national and international professionals.

In these pages, you will find aspects worked from the perspective of its author that materialize in concepts known as self-esteem, confidence, sociability, imitation skills, sense of belonging, warm family and social environment, scientific elements considered important to develop resilience and quality of life.

It also considers the main risk factors that alter and destroy the resilience and the individual in their own particularity, without leaving out biological and environmental factors. Among the first, congenital defects, physical incapacity, the suffering of an incurable chronic disease, old age, etc. stand out. While in the environmental factors are poverty, family discord, violence, mental illnesses present in the family, losses motivated by natural disasters, among others.

Resilience leads us to see the potential, opportunities and abilities of the person or group to get out of the adverse. In the development of this work, you will find that two visions coexist that play an important role at present, being the resilience that every day has greater notoriety and strength. On the other hand, the quality of life where the balance of our existence is. This outstanding work that is at your disposal, is an analysis that teaches us that attitude will always overcome the adverse and that difficulties are nothing more than opportunities to find a solution to our problems.

Social reality invites us every day to be more aware of what we want to be and want to have. Despite this, there is a marked confusion in some spaces that lead the person to break with the environment, with itself and to a certain degree, leaving aside their principles and beliefs, converting their ideals into something relative. Hence the importance of researching and talking about resilience, looking for reliable, serious sources, with a methodological base and scientific support, tools that this book contains.

Today’s Ecuador for all that it has faced in recent years requires an intense awareness of what is really important for its inhabitants. Through this book their authors show us that resilience is not permanent in a person but is subject to changes as long as it is understood as a process of growth and a way of coexisting in front of the tribulation.

It is well known that the human being by nature has the ability to internalize the negative. Look for the complex and always try to understand it to find a strategy to restitute in ascent, becoming a resilient entity. Finally, the approach provided by each of the proposed illustrations is based on the national reality. It offers us an introspection and independence when facing the hostile. They point out how to communicate the feeling and acting assertively to create an environment of proactive initiative under an inclusive conscience without leaving aside the sense of humor, another of the ways to build resilience.

Welcome and welcome to this space to overcome. To understand that despite adversity there is always a tomorrow and to understand that when everything is apparently lost there is a word that contains a whole world of opportunities and this is resilience.

Christian Alberto Romero F.
Facilitador Certificado de Resiliencia.
Presidente Fundación Resilientes Ecuador.
Vicepresidente de la Cámara Internacional de Conferencistas – CIC.
