The practice of School Sports involves, in its essence, the game in all its manifestations as an unbeatable medium for the development of skill and motor skills, as well as interaction with others, achieving levels of integration that almost no other activity can achieve in the integral development of the individual in its physical motor, intellectual cognitive and socio affective manifestations, besides the game is implicit in the construction of the individual as a social being since the game is the best tool for recreation. In the game there are no colors, races, creeds or strata, and in general, students and athletes are instilled with respect for differences between people. On the other hand, the Psychology of Sport is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary science that takes elements of psychology, physiology, kinesiology, sociology and biomechanics and whose object is the study of how psychological factors affect athletic performance and how the Participation in sports and exercise influences the psychological development and physical state of the individual who develops the practice of a particular sport. However, defining the concept of sports psychology is not an easy task since it is a relatively new area of application, its history is not very long and there are still different approaches and perspectives within the specialty. This book contains all the experience of more than a decade in the School Sports and therefore gathers the experiences more importance of the handling of techniques and psychological skills that allow both the athlete and the coach to control the thinking, emotion and execution of the sports technique in the process of sports initiation as the goal of achieving optimal performance in the improvement stage. This book is also a very important guide for teachers coaches because through a variety of psychological techniques applied to school sports and in general in some other stages can apply, however emphasis is placed on the stages of psychomotor maturation with the purpose of measuring the potential of the action and motor response, development of the personality; as well as the follow-up to the systems of regulation of the motor actions considered basic patterns for sports development.
The authors