Cultural Vision of Dance Education: Research on Teaching and Performing Chinese Classical Dance in Cross-Cultural Contexts

Cultural Vision of Dance Education: Research on Teaching and Performing Chinese Classical Dance in Cross-Cultural Contexts

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Publicado en 3C Empresa – Volume 13, Issue 1 (Ed. 53)


  • Ke Li*



This paper explores the teaching and performance of classical Chinese dance in a cross-cultural context, and proposes an innovative deep learning-based model for generating classical Chinese dance. The model effectively combines dance gestures and audio features, accurately extracts key features from dance and music data, and transforms these features into internal representations through an encoder, which in turn generates dance movements that match the music. The introduction of the attention mechanism allows the model to focus on the important parts of the music during the generation process, realizing a more harmonious fusion of classical Chinese dance and music. Finally, the model of teaching ability module, performance ability module and choreography ability module is carried out to comprehensively improve students' dance skills and humanistic literacy, and to develop cross-cultural communication ability and creativity. The results show that this model excels in dance innovativeness and ability to convey emotions, receiving high scores of 8.9 and 9.3, respectively. The research results can provide dancers from different cultural backgrounds with a new perspective for learning and appreciating classical Chinese dance, and promote the communication and dissemination of world culture.


Palabras clave


Deep learning; classical Chinese dance; audio features; decoder; attention mechanism

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