APA Standards – 7th edition


The new APA Style Manual, 7th ed. (2020) which brings a series of changes.

Here are some of these changes:

1 – The geographic location of the publisher is no longer necessary:

Genise, N., Crocamo L., y Genise G. (2019). Manual de psicoterapia y psicopatología de niños y adolescentes. [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Akadia.

Genise, N., Crocamo L., y Genise G. (2019). Manual de psicoterapia y psicopatología de niños y adolescentes. Editorial Akadia.

2 – It is no longer necessary to add “recovered from” websites, unless a recovery date is needed:

Quintero, P. J. (2015). Hablar bien no cuesta nada: Algunos términos psicológicos que deberíamos evitar. Recuperado de Psyciencia website: https://www.psyciencia.com/hablar-bien-no-cuesta-nada-terminos-psicologicos-deberiamos-evitar/

Quintero, P. J. (2015). Hablar bien no cuesta nada: Algunos términos psicológicos que deberíamos evitar. Psyciencia website: https://www.psyciencia.com/hablar-bien-no-cuesta-nada-terminos-psicologicos-deberiamos-evitar/

3 – Electronic books no longer require the type of electronic book to be listed (for example, PDF, Kindle, etc.)

Harris, R. (2017). La trampa de la felicidad [Versión Kindle]. Recuperado de: https://www.amazon.com/trampa-felicidad-sufrir-comienza-Spanish-ebook/dp/B01MQYG6JN/

Harris, R. (2017). La trampa de la felicidad. https://www.amazon.com/trampa-felicidad-sufrir-comienza-Spanish-ebook/dp/B01MQYG6JN/

4 – Journal DOIs are now displayed as a doi.org URL instead of with the prefix «DOI:».

Walker, J. R., & Furer, P. (2008). Interoceptive Exposure in the Treatment of Health Anxiety and Hypochondriasis. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy, 22(4), 366-378. DOI: 10.1891 / 0889-8391.22.4.366

Walker, J. R., & Furer, P. (2008). Interoceptive Exposure in the Treatment of Health Anxiety and Hypochondriasis. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy, 22(4), 366-378. https://doi.org/10.1891/0889-8391.22.4.366

‌5 – Up to 20 authors can now be included in a citation of the reference list before having to omit others with ellipses. Previously, only six were shown before omitting the rest with ellipses.

Foster, M., Thompson, A., Perez, G., Moore, D., Torres, G., Peterson, H.,… Cox, W. (2018). Title…

Foster, M., Thompson, A., Perez, G., Moore, D., Torres, G., Peterson, H., Foster, M., Thompson, A., Perez, G., Moore, D., Torres, G., Peterson, H., Foster, M., Thompson, A., Perez, G., Moore, D., Torres, G., Peterson, H., Foster, M.,… Cox, W. (2018). Title…

6 – Regarding citations in the text, any reference with more than three authors can now be shortened to the first author and et al. Previously, only references with six or more were shortened in this way.

The data suggest that the use of digital media in preschool children affects their brain development (Hutton, Dudley, Horowitz-Kraus, De Witt, and Holland, 2019)

The data suggest that the use of digital media in preschool children affects their brain development (Hutton et al., 2019)

‌7 – Guidelines and examples of citations are being added for new sources of information that have emerged or grown in popularity since the sixth edition, such as messages and videos from social networks and other electronic media.

8 – Instead of using adjectives as nouns (nouns) to label groups of people, descriptive phrases are preferred.

The poor

People in poverty

9 – Instead of broad categories, exact age ranges that are more relevant and specific should be used.

People over 65 years.

People in the age range of 65 to 75 years.

More info at:
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020)https://apastyle.apa.org/products/publication-manual-7th-edition

Aparicio, D. (2019, 19 noviembre). Normas APA 7.ª edición: 12 cambios que debes conocer. https://www.psyciencia.com/12-cambios-normas-apa-7-edicion/

Normas APA – 7ma (séptima) edición. (s.f.). https://normas-apa.org/

Bank images:
Freepick. https://www.freepik.es/vector-gratis/espacio-trabajo-estilo-dibujos-animados_774622.htm

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