The development of web applications is an area which has increased in recent years, the need for companies to increase sales, manage records in an orderly manner, and above all overcome market competitiveness, has caused them to migrate from the systems of traditional information, such as desktop applications, to web-based information systems, commonly using web pages or applications. When implementing a web application, the programmer or development team usually has certain doubts, how do I design the website? Will the process I am doing generate a quality application? Will the application made meet the expectations of the client ?, How many is the development time and cost appropriate for this application? Several of these questions are common in teams with and without experience.
In order to solve some of the questions, project managers make use of development methodologies, which must cover from the analysis stages to the closing stage of the software development process.
Before reading the phases of the SWIRL methodology, it is essential to have a clear concept about the definition of web development methodologies, which “is a standardized development process that defines a set of activities, methods, recommendations, assessments and automated tools that developers and directors must follow to continuously develop and improve information systems ”(Alarcón, 2006, p. 44). That is, a methodology is nothing more than the set of methods and techniques to achieve a good development and obtain the desired product.
The use of methodologies during the development of a software project has been implemented since several years ago, beginning with traditional methodologies and over time evolving towards hybrid methodologies. Over the years, traditional methodologies became obsolete, because they did not consider all aspects of the software that could harm the normal development of the project. Subsequently, with the emergence of agile methodologies, the user was more included, providing the ease of integrating sudden changes to the software (Dominguez-Mayo, Escalona, Mejías, Ross, and Staples, 2012). Finally, due to the increase in the use and development of web pages, hybrid methodologies were created, which are the mixture of various techniques and methodologies, to achieve an ideal and improved process.
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