Formación y desarrollo de las habilidades informáticas

The Ecuadorian middle school is committed to the training of middle-level students that our society demands in the current economic and social conditions. Thus, in the context of the work, a solution alternative to the problem related to the formation and development of the computer science skills is addressed from a verified experience with the students of basic level of several institutions of basic education of the South zone of Manabí In this paper a proposal of solution to the problem related to the formation and development of the computer science skills in the students of the basic level assuming a personological referent is approached. It requires the system of the computer skills of the degree, its methodological structuring in the structural invariants leading to its formation and development, the design of the analytical-synthetic scale, the graphic register to diagnose the level of mastery of the skills. Finally, a statistical procedure is proposed that will reveal the results achieved at the group level demonstrating its effectiveness in the teaching-educational process while maintaining the necessary flexibility and affordability that allow its consistent application to other subjects and levels of education of this educational subsystem. This work, for its content and its didactic structure, constitutes a reference of great methodological value for the teachers who work in the educational institutions of the basic and upper secondary level.


The authors

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