Técnicas activas utilizadas por docentes como estrategia metodológica en el interaprendizaje de estudiantes de Bachillerato

The present work is organized in chapters, so that in Chapter 1 a contextualization of the problem is made with a descriptive, critical - proactive analysis and its prognosis, for which the problem is formulated with its respective delimitation setting objectives and justifying the problem to investigate.

Chapter 2 corresponds to the theoretical foundation of the problem supported by a number of texts, other research conducted on the subject, which served as background, included the philosophical, legal and fundamental categories; Chapter 3 refers to the methodology used in the research process, specifying the population and sample, the objectives are operationalized because our research has no hypothesis.

Once the surveys were done to students, teachers and authorities, we proceeded to the analysis and interpretation of the results of the information collected, this is found in Chapter 4; Chapter 5 outlines the conclusions reached in the research with its recommendations, as a basis for making the proposal to solve the problem, and finally in Chapter 6 the proposal is developed to solve the problem with their information data.

Los autores:
Miguel Angel Osejos Merino
Martín Verisimo Merino Conforme
Monserrate Cristina Merino Conforme
Bertha Soledad Merino Conforme
Julio Javier Jaramillo Véliz
Elida Silvia Sinchiri Castañeda
