Dinámica intercultural lingüística profesional en lenguas extranjeras. Caso de estudio: Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi

The need to train professionals in Higher Education constitutes a
imperative that can not be postponed in the contemporaneity, so to go into this
problematic arises in a process that all research has to offer with
theoretical criteria that allow to solve the insufficiencies that still persist.
About the training of professionals in Higher Education, authors such as:
Sancho, J. (2003), Carretero, A. (2009), Manganiello, E.M. (1990), Bravo, C. (2002),
Fuentes, H. (2002, 2008) among others, consider fundamentally the need
that they are formed at the same time as critical subjects, flexible and with a broad domain
of knowledge and skills that lead to being competent in the context

This means that this training is aimed at achieving a professional performance,
that is guarantor of the development of capacities so that they can have control of
procedures, techniques and strategies demanded by the contemporary world in their
various spheres of action. In the same way, it contributes to the achievement of attitudes of
autonomy, personal domain and sensitivity to discover and solve problems
of their professional environment, and thus offer transformative answers to the context, and
so much to achieve from the communication the exchange with other professionals.

Las autoras:

PhD. Lorena González 
Lic. Viviana Panchi
MSc. Sonia Castro
MSc. Marcia Chiluisa
