Automatic DIM and DIP system for vehicle

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología. Edición Especial/Special Issue – Noviembre/November 2021



This paper presents the design of “automatic light dim and dip system”. In existing system, vehicles dim, and dip is done by man(or)manually. It is important for journey during nighttime. Our strategy involves design, development and creating this automatic light dim and dip system. Most of the vehicle riders use elevated, bright beam during night driving. This leads the individual traveling in the opposite direction to be uncomfortable and accidents to be occurred in most of the cases. The automatic vehicle headlight dim and dip system adjust the intensity beam when finds the vehicles in opposite direction. It utilizes a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sensor was intended to dim the headlight of cars automatically to prevent the impacts of human eyes. It eliminates the driver's need from manual switching which was not done all time. Also, this system helps to reduce the accidents rate in nighttime due to the high beam headlight.


Palabras clave

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), Dim and Dip, Headlight, Vehicle, Source, High beam, Low beam.

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