Rating control in learning to Russian as a foreign language

Rating control in learning to Russian as a foreign language

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Publicado en 3C TIC. Edición Especial – Octubre 2019

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The urgency of the research is in seeking for the methods and techniques to intensify the learning activities of students in learning to Russian as a foreign language, to increase their motivation, to develop creative potential, mutual help and cooperativeness in a classroom environment and outside the classroom. One of the effective methods for improving learning is the rating control of the educational activities of students. This article is supposed to substantiate the effectiveness of the systematic use of rating control and ranking students at each stage of the Russian language learning as foreign. The basic research methods are the modeling of study process, the methods of analysis and synthesis, lesson observation, experiment (diagnostic, prognostic, organizational, practical, generalizing). The results of the study show the effectiveness of applying systematic ranking of the students within the classes following on from the results of the educational task, the effectiveness of the model of classes in Russian as a foreign language in which a student who occupies the highest position in the ranking is always first to be tested. The study of the impact of rating control system in teaching Russian as a foreign language on student performance and increasing their level of language competence plays an important role in improving the methods and techniques of organizing educational work in Russian.


Palabras clave


Russian as a Foreign Language, Methods, Control, Rating, Ranking.

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