Project activity as a means of improving the quality of professional training of future philologists

Project activity as a means of improving the quality of professional training of future philologists

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Publicado en 3C TIC. Edición Especial – Octubre 2019

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In the context of modernization of education and digitalization of society, one of the socially significant areas implemented in educational institutions of higher education is pedagogical design. The urgency of the problem is due to the social order of the society for the training of highly qualified specialists with critical design thinking, ready to solve professional problems of any level of complexity; the increased interest of scientists in the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of pedagogical design, on the one hand, and the lack of development of mechanisms for its practical implementation in higher education, methodological support tools for its implementation on the other. Students should select texts based on the language of their future specialty, make assignments for the consolidation of the passed terminology (Erofeeva & Yusupova, 2018). The design background goes back to antiquity. Plato in the works “State” and “Laws” proposes and discusses the project “ideal state”. Speaking as a practitioner of state building, Plato proposes to first build a state mentally, which is one of the first prerequisites for design. Scientific understanding of the process and results of design as a special activity began at the turn of 20-21st centuries, which was characterized by the presence of reflection and design activities, the emergence of project terminology.


Palabras clave


Project activities, Professional training, Future philologists, Pedagogical design, Methodological support.

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