The Influence of Using Sustainable Materials on Paving Cost of AL-Kut-Maysan Highway Using Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Influence of Using Sustainable Materials on Paving Cost of AL-Kut-Maysan Highway Using Cost-Benefit Analysis

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Publicado en 3C Empresa – Volume 12, Issue 1 (Ed. 51)


Sajjad Hashim
Hasan Al-Mosawe



Paving is regarded as one of the essential layers in the construction of a road since it directly affects traffic loads and is subject to environmental factors. As a result, appropriate asphalt mixes that can support the designed traffic loads and environmental conditions must be developed. From an economic and environmental aspect, recycling the waste from the old pavement is a good step in this regard. This paper comprises detailed laboratory work that tested the impact of using different recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) content in addition to 3% crumb rubber (CR). The (CR) is used as fine aggregate. The tests were evaluated based on the response of hot asphalt mixes (HMA). The objectives of this study are to analyze the volumetric or weight change in hot mix asphalt of the different percentages and then analyse the costs of Kut-Maysan Road as a case study in case of using the different percentages of RAP and CR. The results show that the cost analysis of using RAP reduces the cost of a produced ton of HMA. On the other hand, the use of CR increases the cost of producing HMA. Using 10% RAP reduces the cost of one ton of HMA by 0.64 $ while using 20% RAP reduces the cost by 1.10 $, and the cost is reduced by 1.41 $ when using 30% RAP. On the other hand, the use of 3% CR with 10% RAP increased the production cost of one-ton HMA by 1.47 $. While decreased by 0.82 $ with 20% RAP content and by 0.28 $ with 30% RAP.


Palabras clave


Sustainable Materials, pavement costs, cost-benefit analysis, Recycled asphalt pavement, crumb rubber

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