Advances in agumented reality (AR) for medical simulation and training

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología. Edición Especial/Special Issue – Abril/April 2020



Digital technologies are transforming the field of medical training, simulation and modeling. Advances in the field of virtual Augmented Reality (AR) and virtual simulation are described in detail, particularly as they relate to medical education and training. An overview of key medical simulation tools is provided in order provide foundational knowledge about this rapidly growing field. A timely and valuable original Augmented Realty system is put forward. The key components of this original system for medical training and simulation include the following three dimensions: advances in open surgery, realistic visualizations and innovative haptic was used. Each component of this Augmented Reality system is described in detail. First, the open surgery module emphasized appendectomies (the most common surgical procedures used in our model). Second, three different approaches for creating realistic and accurate 3D medical models were put forth. Third, haptic feedback involved the use of an enhanced Novint Falcon system in which a custom grip provides additional degrees of freedom. Finally, advances in game simulation, modeling and role playing are discussed for the field of emergency medicine.


Palabras clave

Surgical Simulator, Virtual Reality, Real-time Rendering, 3D Visualization, Haptic Feedback, Open Surgery, Laparoscopy, Emergency Medicine, Simulations.

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