Cost-effective and innovative test jig for fishing-bait release mechanisms attached to drones

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología. Edición Especial/Special Issue – Abril/April 2020



Fishing-bait release mechanisms are used in conjunction with drones to drop bait at a specific fishing location. It is really a revolutionary technology to many fishermen. However, many of these release mechanisms have no real technical data associated with them. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to present a cost-effective and innovative test jig that may be used to determine the reliability and consistency of operation of various fishing-bait release mechanisms. The main components of the system are a HX711 instrumentation amplifier, a load cell and an Arduino Mega microcontroller. The accuracy of the system was determined to be 99,879%. Reliability values for a Gannet Sport mechanism with a 0.55 mm Kingfisher line ranged from 599 g to 642 g, giving a maximum deviation of 43 g. The results provide evidence that the system is both reliable and valid. It is recommended to use it to clarify technical data regarding the weights at which different fishing-bait release mechanisms operate.


Palabras clave

Arduino, Load-cell, Electronic measurements.

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