3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Abril 2020
The purpose of this paper is to present a cost-eective and innovative test jig that may
be used to determine the reliability and consistency of operation of various shing-bait
release mechanisms. The paper starts with a brief history of drone technology and presents
some of its many applications. Previous research in the eld of release mechanisms are also
presented. The design of the jig is then given, followed by the methodology employed to
obtain the scientic empirical results. Conclusions end the paper.
Some believe that the rst type of drone was used in July 15, 1849 when the Habsburg
Austrian Empire launched 200 pilotless balloons armed with bombs against the revolution-
minded citizens of Venice (Ferrao, 2016). However, others view this as an erroneous belief,
especially when considering the ocial denition given by The Oxford Dictionary. It denes
a drone as “a remote-controlled pilotless aircraft or missile” (“Oxford Dictionary”, n.d.).
The aspect of remote-control and ight must be factored into the discussion. The Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) of the USA further denes a drone as a small unmanned
aircraft system weighing under 55 lb (or 24,9 kg) (Federal Aviation Administration, 2016 ).
The aspect of weight thus needs to be factored into the discussion. Considering the words
remote-controlled, ight and weight leads one to conclude that drones were rst used
towards the end of the 20
century, when newer technologies allowed for the inclusion of
these factors into their design and development.
Moreover, the decline in cost due to these technological advancements has allowed drones to
become viable options for a diverse range of services, including health services (Wulfovich,
Rivas, & Matabuena, 2018), agriculture (Parihar, Bhawsar, & Hargod, 2016), sports (Park,
Kim, & Suh, 2018), conservation (Sandbrook, 2015) and in monitoring solar farms (Benatto
et al., 2019). Drones have also been used in border patrol, disaster relief, law enforcement,
and in the original use of military missions and training (Upchurch, 2015).
A specic research paper, published in 2019, described a novel way to reliably deliver
packages using a drone. For years, companies such as Amazon and Google have been
hard at work developing a safe and practical way of utilizing the potential of unmanned
aerial vehicles to improve upon their current network of delivery services. Transportation