Usability of eGovernance application for citizens of Pakistan

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología. Edición Especial/Special Issue – Abril/April 2020



eGovernance is a vital component of any nations’ modern governmental structure and suitable for mass-scale adaptation. Pakistan has also established an eGovernance council for mitigation of the problems of the common man. One big step in this direction is the establishment of Pakistan Citizens’ Portal (PCP) that facilitates eGovernance. Through the PCP app, citizens can directly lodge complaints and report their issues for immediate resolution.
This study looks at the important aspect of mobile usability through field tests to determine the viability of the PCP app in Pakistan. This study is vital towards determining the main factors for large scale adaptation of the PCP app and underlines the weaknesses of the present system.
Hence, the PCP app was evaluated in terms of efficiency and effectiveness according to ISO 92421-11. And the user satisfaction was measured through system usability satisfaction (SUS) on five-point Likert scale. The evaluation method included more than a dozen citizens of Sindh and findings showed that overall application enriched the user experience. However, the few areas of PCP were identified as needing improvements. The main areas that the PCP application needs to improve are the areas of registration and ‘findability’ which would further improve user satisfaction and experience.


Palabras clave

EGovernance, Usability evaluation, Commoner satisfaction, Pakistan Citizen Portal, ISO designed usability standards.

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