Ecological construction and environmental management in large and medium-sized cities in the context of industry- city integration

Ecological construction and environmental management in large and medium-sized cities in the context of industry- city integration

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Publicado en 3C Empresa – Volume 12, Issue 2 (Ed. 52)


Dongyang Dai
Lin Jin*



To maintain the ecological environment and protect the sustainable development of natural resources, this paper proposes a study on ecological construction and environmental management in large and medium-sized cities in the context of city- industry integration. The spatial layout, environmental capacity, and environmental quality are clearly deficient in the situation related to the integration of industrial and urban areas. Analyze the problems of ecological construction and environmental management in governance, construct an index system for the coordinated development of ecological and environmental systems, and measure the coupled and synergistic dispatch of cities and ecological environments. Eliminate dimensions, variable changes and values so that benefit and cost metrics are consistent. The information entropy of each index is calculated by using the original information of the objective environment, and the weights are determined after standardizing them to obtain a comprehensive index of the development level of urbanization and the ecological environment system. The coupling coordination model is used to measure two or more system linkage indicators, reflecting the degree of coordination of the interactive coupling of economic growth and the ecological environment. The analysis of the results shows that the ecological development of urbanization is steadily increasing, and the level of ecological development has grown to 0.7291 and the level of urbanization development has increased to 0.8950 over time, with a good degree of coordination of coupling.


Palabras clave


Industry-city integration; Ecological construction; Environmental management; Coupling model; Correlation index

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