WSN Based Smart Advertisement in Intelligent Transportation System using Raspberry Pi

WSN Based Smart Advertisement in Intelligent Transportation System using Raspberry Pi

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología. Special Issue – May 2019





In this current era of technology, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are helping different cities around the globe to becoming smart cities, while advertisements always played a vital role in any product’s sale ratio. Besides security, transportation data, and traffic management, the field of advertisement through (ITS) still needs attention for researchers. According to current literature, a huge amount of budget has been invested in the field of advertisement as well as numerous deaths are caused due to roadside billboards. In this paper, we have developed a system which helps to advertise content digitally on LEDs installed on vehicles by incorporating Raspberry Pi. In results, an advertisement can be remotely controlled from the client’s mobile phone and Raspberry Pi will act as a server which collects, manage and displays ads digitally. This system is a good addition towards low cost, efficient and user–friendly solutions.


Palabras clave


Intelligent Transportation System, Smart Cities, WSN, Client–Server Architecture, Raspberry Pi, GPRS.

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