Wind and Solar Energy Potentials Around Southern Sindh & Southern Baluchistan Provinces, Especially Karachi of Pakistan

Wind and Solar Energy Potentials Around Southern Sindh & Southern Baluchistan Provinces, Especially Karachi of Pakistan

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Publicado en 3C Tecnología. Special Issue – May 2019





Electrical energy has a vital place as it amounts to being the basic necessity of sustainable life and necessitates itself for the development of human capital leading to the general economic uplift of a nation. Pakistan has remained in the serious shortage of electric power leading to adverse effects on the state. Around 70 % of Pakistanis are living without stable electric supply. Those who are lucky enough to have access to electricity undergo around 12 to 14 hours of load– shedding. Pakistan is always in the lack of sufficient conventional sources of energy. Adding to this it is the fact that Pakistan has not made any significant steps to tap renewable energy resources like wind and solar energy. It seems very natural for Pakistan to employ the natural resources of energy which are yet to be tapped and are coming into the fulfilment of the shortage in the supply of energy. In this paper, the existing potential of renewable energy resources is studied as a viable alternative to the current state in the energy supply and demand. Southern Pakistan is presented to hold key renewable resources such as wind and solar energy in order to address the energy shortfall. Southern Pakistan, mainly coastal regions, possesses wind and solar potentials. The paper chooses selected areas in southern Pakistan containing an adequate level of wind power. The paper attempts to argue that renewable energy resources can meet the energy demand of the southern regions mainly coastal ones. The paper attempts to look at the current and future challenges in the transition to wind and solar power.


Palabras clave


Renewable Energy, Energy Potential, Energy Shortfall, Coastal Regions Study.

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