A secured architecture for IoT-based healthcare system

A secured architecture for IoT-based healthcare system

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Publicado en 3C Empresa – Volume 11, Issue 2 (Ed. 50)




Healthcare has gradually moved away from the model centered on traditional health centers due to the emergence of highly accurate sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) enabled medical equipment. Ambient intelligence takes whatever actions are required in response to a recognized event in order to enable continuous learning about patient data. The capabilities of IoT-assisted healthcare services might be improved by incorporating autonomous control and human-computer interface (HCI) technologies into ambient intelligence. Major unsolved issues include the privacy and security of information collected by medical IoT devices, both during transmission to and during cloud storage. This research explores different techniques, IoT factors, and features, with an emphasis on the data security concerns connected to data flow in medical IoT. In order to guarantee data security and privacy at all data levels, this study suggests a safe design for the IoT healthcare system.


Palabras clave


HealthCare, Internet of Things, Secure IoT Networks, Privacy and Security HCI, Cloud Computing

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