Ying Lin
University of North Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona State, USA
Reception: 16 April 2024 | Acceptance: 6 May 2024 | Publication: 11 June 2024
Suggested citation:
Lin, Y. (2024). Computer information technology applied to the design of
digital library.information integration service system. 3C Tecnología.
Glosas de Innovación aplicada a la pyme 13(1), 78-97.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Ying Lin
University of North Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona State, USA
Reception: 16 April 2024 | Acceptance: 6 May 2024 | Publication: 11 June 2024
Suggested citation:
Lin, Y. (2024). Computer information technology applied to the design of
digital library.information integration service system. 3C Tecnología.
Glosas de Innovación aplicada a la pyme 13(1), 78-97.
Based on computer information technology, this paper constructs a digital library
information integration system. Firstly, the system is divided into information retrieval
module and personalized service module according to the user's demand, and then
the WebServices service is used to realize data integration and the library information
obtained. And according to the principle of Fourier transform can be known to realize
the conversion of information and knowledge. Finally, according to the movement
state of knowledge expression, the formation of the wizard information base thus
realizing information rectification. The structure shows that the digital library
information integration system can provide 24h*14 hours of service, and the average
response time of each operation is within 1s. It shows that the application of computer
information technology in digital libraries can provide users with personalized services
and perfect their interests.
Computer information technology; digital library; personalized service; WebServices
service; Fourier Transform
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................2
KEYWORDS ...................................................................................................................2
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................4
2. Analysis of digital library information integration system ......................................5
2.1. System user requirements .................................................................................5
2.2. System architecture ...........................................................................................6
2.3. Chinese word classification module ...................................................................8
2.4. Implementation of data integration .....................................................................9
GENERATION .........................................................................................................10
3.1. Conditions for information generation ..............................................................11
3.2. Information generation mechanisms ................................................................11
4. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TESTING ....................................................................13
4.1. Test methods ....................................................................................................13
4.2. Analysis of test results .....................................................................................13
4.2.1. Performance testing ..................................................................................13
4.2.2. Functional testing ......................................................................................14
4.3. Integration of digital resources .........................................................................15
4.4. Integration services and updating efficiency ....................................................16
4.5. Integrated System Accuracy Comparison ........................................................17
5. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................18
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................19
ABOUT THE AUTHOR .................................................................................................20
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................2
KEYWORDS ...................................................................................................................2
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................4
2. Analysis of digital library information integration system ......................................5
2.1. System user requirements .................................................................................5
2.2. System architecture ...........................................................................................6
2.3. Chinese word classification module ...................................................................8
2.4. Implementation of data integration .....................................................................9
GENERATION .........................................................................................................10
3.1. Conditions for information generation ..............................................................11
3.2. Information generation mechanisms ................................................................11
4. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TESTING ....................................................................13
4.1. Test methods ....................................................................................................13
4.2. Analysis of test results .....................................................................................13
4.2.1. Performance testing ..................................................................................13
4.2.2. Functional testing ......................................................................................14
4.3. Integration of digital resources .........................................................................15
4.4. Integration services and updating efficiency ....................................................16
4.5. Integrated System Accuracy Comparison ........................................................17
5. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................18
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................19
ABOUT THE AUTHOR .................................................................................................20
With the development of computer technology and network technology, digital
libraries are gradually emerging [1]. However, because most of these digital libraries
rely on their own strength to build, the cycle is long and costly, so that many units with
such a need have encountered a lot of difficulties in the process of building digital
libraries [2]. This has seriously hindered the process of building some digital libraries,
so that the process of informationization construction is also constrained [3]. A more
ideal solution to this problem is to implement the outsourcing of digital library
construction projects, where professional system integrators provide digital library
system solutions and carry out professional construction [4]. In this way, libraries can
reduce investment by purchasing mature digital library integration system, and the
integrator can make profits through multiple sales of integrated solutions [5-6].
Bramantoro, A. Creation of services with the ability to read all the required data
from the library management system using full state technology to improve service
quality. A technology acceptance model was used to measure organizational and user
acceptance of the full state service system to provide some predictive basis for
decision support for senior library management [7]. Sholeh, M. B. Automated Library
Door Lock Control System using Arduino Uno and QR-Code. In designing the tool,
Arduino Uno and QR-Code were integrated with library database application. Testing
and analysis resulted in a 100% success rate of reading QR-Codes by the tested tool
[8]. Shvartsman, M. pointed out new directions in e-library activities researching the
storage of data, emphasizing the continuing interest in the subject of digital
humanities and the fact that research in this field tends to focus on the problems of
the modern society [9]. Bwalya, T. Through a descriptive survey, due to the fact that
library administrators cannot effectively use all the modules of Koha due to lack of
skills. Thus the main modules used are circulation module and cataloging module to
enhance internet connectivity [10].
Lacuata, A identified the extent of implementation of guidelines for digitization of
library resources in higher education institutions in terms of selection, technical
requirements and implementation, legal aspects, budget, human resource planning,
development and maintenance, preservation of digital content and project
management. It will be used as a framework to provide effective and efficient
digitization [11]. Afar, M. E. et al. used cultural institutions to develop new types of
services under the influence of global information changes that determine new ways
of knowledge mediation and management [12]. Lade, M randomly selected special
libraries based on the descriptive statistics, mean scores, and standard deviation
analysis of information on the attitude of professional librarians towards the attitudes
of professional librarians towards digitization of professional library materials [13].
Babatope, I aimed to reveal the state of digital library education in higher education
institutions and the preparation for the development of future digital librarians. The
inclusion of digital library courses in order to prepare future digital librarians in this
digital era, thus overcoming the often mentioned challenge of lack of ICT staff to
manage digital libraries [14].
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Based on computer information technology, this paper constructs an information
integration service system for digital libraries. It is divided into information retrieval
module and personalized service module from the user demand. And based on
WebServices service to realize the data integration needs to forward the service
request to the corresponding subsystem through the service bus, combined with the
Brookes equation gives the framework of the transformation relationship between
information and knowledge, points out the transformation relationship between
information and knowledge. The effectiveness of the system in this paper is verified
through performance testing, digital resource integration, integration service and
update efficiency and integration system accuracy comparison, which proves that
computer information technology improves the indexing efficiency of digital libraries,
and the integration system is less time-consuming.
Digital library information integration system to solve the problem of data source
distribution and heterogeneity in the process of using library digital resources, it can
be concluded from the requirements analysis that the roles interacting with the system
can be mainly abstracted as users, administrators and system administrators [15-16].
The target user retrieval subsystem requirements are shown in Figure 1, and the user
use function use cases include user login, user information, literature search,
favorites, history storage, primary search, secondary search, subject search,
classification search and result display customization. The specific contents are:
The retrieval system should have simple retrieval, natural language, phrase
retrieval, etc., advanced retrieval, categorized retrieval functions, and primary
and secondary retrieval.
2. The output of retrieval results should have sorting functions, such as sorting by
date, title, author, relevance and so on. Users can select the source range of
retrieval results, data types, etc.
Retrieval results collection, the user needs to personalize the collection of
retrieval results and retrieval formulas and other information. Fourth, retrieval
history preservation. In order to improve the retrieval efficiency, the system
should provide a retrieval track saving function to provide reference for the
user's next retrieval.
Registration and login. Users can apply for an account and use the user name
and password to log in the system.
5. Users can change the personal information of the account.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Based on computer information technology, this paper constructs an information
integration service system for digital libraries. It is divided into information retrieval
module and personalized service module from the user demand. And based on
WebServices service to realize the data integration needs to forward the service
request to the corresponding subsystem through the service bus, combined with the
Brookes equation gives the framework of the transformation relationship between
information and knowledge, points out the transformation relationship between
information and knowledge. The effectiveness of the system in this paper is verified
through performance testing, digital resource integration, integration service and
update efficiency and integration system accuracy comparison, which proves that
computer information technology improves the indexing efficiency of digital libraries,
and the integration system is less time-consuming.
Digital library information integration system to solve the problem of data source
distribution and heterogeneity in the process of using library digital resources, it can
be concluded from the requirements analysis that the roles interacting with the system
can be mainly abstracted as users, administrators and system administrators [15-16].
The target user retrieval subsystem requirements are shown in Figure 1, and the user
use function use cases include user login, user information, literature search,
favorites, history storage, primary search, secondary search, subject search,
classification search and result display customization. The specific contents are:
1. The retrieval system should have simple retrieval, natural language, phrase
retrieval, etc., advanced retrieval, categorized retrieval functions, and primary
and secondary retrieval.
2. The output of retrieval results should have sorting functions, such as sorting by
date, title, author, relevance and so on. Users can select the source range of
retrieval results, data types, etc.
3. Retrieval results collection, the user needs to personalize the collection of
retrieval results and retrieval formulas and other information. Fourth, retrieval
history preservation. In order to improve the retrieval efficiency, the system
should provide a retrieval track saving function to provide reference for the
user's next retrieval.
4. Registration and login. Users can apply for an account and use the user name
and password to log in the system.
5. Users can change the personal information of the account.
Figure 1 User example
The FDL integrated information retrieval system is divided into two main parts, the
information retrieval module and the personalized service module. The main function
of the user interface component is to intelligently assist the user in clarifying and
refining the query request according to the user interest model. The refined query
request is then submitted to the intermediary, waiting for the intermediary to return the
query result and display it to the user. In addition, the UI also logs the user's basic
actions while using the system. These operation logs will show the user's interest in
certain information resources for the personalized service module to automatically
summarize and learn the user's hobbies and improve the user's interest model. The
UI resides on the user's terminal browser and provides the user and Web interaction
The UI resides on the user's terminal browser and provides an interactive interface
between the user and the Web. The user hobby learning machine selects training
positive and negative examples according to the operation log, and updates the user
interest model with user examples. Fig. 2 shows the library integrated information
retrieval, where the mediator is activated upon receiving a query request from the UI,
converts the query request submitted by the UI into an RDF statement to be submitted
to the wrapper generation module, and then waits for the return result. When multiple
wrappers respectively return the results of their respective queries in the form of RDF
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
documents, the intermediary summarizes the query results and combines them into a
complete RDF result document in accordance with the relevance ordering.
Because each data source adopts different metadata representation standards, the
intermediary needs to convert the metadata information describing the object data in
the process of merging the results. The mediator queries the pre-defined metadata
mapping table, and converts other metadata formats to Dublin Core-based metadata.
This ensures the consistency of the RDF result document and facilitates the display
and processing. As most user browsers do not support the display of RDF documents,
in order to ensure that the RDF result document can be displayed in the client in a
clearer and more friendly way, the intermediary also needs to be based on the pre-
defined display format Schema will be converted to HTML pages, returned to the UL
through the modification of the display format Schema can be changed by the display
of the results of the query, which also increases the flexibility of the system. This also
increases the flexibility of the system. The query of heterogeneous data sources is
completed by the wrapper, FDL integrated information retrieval system adopts the
mechanism of automatic generation of the wrapper, to ensure the scalability of the
system [17].
Figure 2 Library integrated information retrieval
Subsequently, based on the information obtained from the search, learning and
information recommendation are based on user interests. It includes several
components, including user personalized characteristic information base, user interest
learning, information search, and information filtering. User interest learning and
information recommendation is shown in Figure 3, including:
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
documents, the intermediary summarizes the query results and combines them into a
complete RDF result document in accordance with the relevance ordering.
Because each data source adopts different metadata representation standards, the
intermediary needs to convert the metadata information describing the object data in
the process of merging the results. The mediator queries the pre-defined metadata
mapping table, and converts other metadata formats to Dublin Core-based metadata.
This ensures the consistency of the RDF result document and facilitates the display
and processing. As most user browsers do not support the display of RDF documents,
in order to ensure that the RDF result document can be displayed in the client in a
clearer and more friendly way, the intermediary also needs to be based on the pre-
defined display format Schema will be converted to HTML pages, returned to the UL
through the modification of the display format Schema can be changed by the display
of the results of the query, which also increases the flexibility of the system. This also
increases the flexibility of the system. The query of heterogeneous data sources is
completed by the wrapper, FDL integrated information retrieval system adopts the
mechanism of automatic generation of the wrapper, to ensure the scalability of the
system [17].
Figure 2 Library integrated information retrieval
Subsequently, based on the information obtained from the search, learning and
information recommendation are based on user interests. It includes several
components, including user personalized characteristic information base, user interest
learning, information search, and information filtering. User interest learning and
information recommendation is shown in Figure 3, including:
User personalized characteristics information base, or user personalized
information table mainly includes information about the user's personalized
characteristics. Such as the user's name, unit, address, specialty, occupation.
User's previous request tasks such as classification, subject line, query range,
etc. IP address, title, time of browsing, frequency of keywords and user's
evaluation value, request time, URL of the requested file > HTTP version
number, etc.
In order to provide personalized services to the user to recommend different
information for different users, it is necessary to analyze the user's present or
future interest preferences from the user's historical records in order to provide
information services to the user actively [18]. Obtaining user needs through
user-initiated descriptions. Embedded intelligent Agent, active tracking to
collect the user's usual interest in information, from which to analyze the user's
preference characteristics and background knowledge, the establishment of
user personalized characteristics and stored in the user database.
Information search function through keyword matching, to the local or network
resource database query, return the corresponding query results.
Information filtering function adopts content-based filtering method, extracts
information content features from the query content, and matches them with
the user personalized feature library to filter out the information related to the
user's interest and recommend it to the user. Collaborative filtering technology
is used to establish a user classification and recommendation mechanism to
recommend information based on the same or similarity between users.
Synthesize the strengths of content-based filtering and collaborative filtering to
improve the accuracy of recommendation.
Chinese word classification module is closely related to the information query
module and information indexing module in the system. The Chinese word
classification model is shown in Figure 3, before indexing the crawled local web
resources, the information indexing module will call the Chinese word classification
module to perform word classification, and the indexed fields after word classification
will be written into the Lucene library. After the user sends a query request, the
information query module will also call the Chinese lexicon module to parse and slice
the request submitted by the user. Then it is transformed into a query field that meets
the standard of Lucene retrieval interface, and the query is compared in the index
database to return the corresponding document collection. The Chinese word
segmentation module mechanically slices and matches the input according to the
words present in the dictionary. If a string is found in the dictionary, the match is
successful, i.e., a word is recognized. Record the location of the word and return the
dictionary index of the word. Dictionary management module mainly realizes the
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
statistics of the number of entries in the dictionary, dynamic addition and deletion of
Figure 3 Chinese word classification module
WebServices-based services to achieve data integration needs to be forwarded
through the service bus service requests to the appropriate subsystems, based on the
Web Services data integration process shown in Figure 4, the use of Web Services
approach to data integration process is: first of all, the user issued a query command,
analyze the query is a comprehensive query on which service or which services, and
then through the unified Web Services interface to issue access orders, the Web
Services interface to query the list of service buses to find the application system to
access and forward services, and finally the application system will query the query to
find the application system and forward services. If it is a comprehensive access to
several services is decomposed into several services, and then through the unified
Web Services interface to issue access commands, the Web Services interface in the
service bus list query, find the application system to access and forward the service,
and finally the application system will be queried by the return of the data to integrate
the multi-table joint query data that is to get the desired information.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Figure 4 Web Services data integration process
Based on the above acquired library information, this paper gives a framework of
the transformation relationship between information and knowledge in conjunction
with Brookes' equation, which points out the direction for research on the utilization of
information. This section analyzes and discusses the equation from physical and
cognitive perspectives, pointing out that there exists a transformation between
information and knowledge, but the transformation from information to knowledge is
the most important as far as knowledge construction is concerned.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
According to the principle of Fourier transform, it is known that in order to realize
the transformation of two different domains of information and knowledge, the
transformation process must have the following transformation functions:
Reduce it to:
The above equation illustrates that the knowledge system K (S)
is convolved with
the knowledge spectrum I (S)
of the information to produce a new knowledge system
, i.e., the realization of the transformation of information and knowledge to
require three different stages of conditions:
The first stage is the perceptual cognitive process of knowledge formation,
which requires that the knowledge system must be selective, i.e., sampling the
attributes of information to form a sample sequence of information .
The second stage is the rational cognitive process of knowledge, and then the
sample sequence of
is abstractly categorized to form the transformation of
the knowledge spectrum sequence .
3. The third stage is the process of utility formation of knowledge, i.e.,
convolved with the original knowledge spectrum K(S) of the knowledge system
to produce a new knowledge spectrum, i.e., a new knowledge increment is
introduced, thus realizing the rectification of information.
represents the
utility of the information to generate knowledge, there may be three cases,
indicates that the information generates new useful knowledge.
indicates that the information does not generate new useful
knowledge, and when
indicates that instead of generating new useful
knowledge, the information increases ambiguity.
Information expresses the states of things in motion and the ways in which the
states change, and knowledge expresses the states of things in motion and the laws
of state change.4 For some random piece of information X, if there are N
states of motion, i.e., if its state space is
, and if the ways in which
these states change are distributed according to some probability ,
then the probability space, which is a combination of the state space and probability
distribution, is inscribes this information.
Is (S)
Is (S)
Δs> 0
Δs = 0
X1,X2, ……, Xn
P1, P2, ……, Pn
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
According to the principle of Fourier transform, it is known that in order to realize
the transformation of two different domains of information and knowledge, the
transformation process must have the following transformation functions:
Reduce it to:
The above equation illustrates that the knowledge system K (S) is convolved with
the knowledge spectrum I (S) of the information to produce a new knowledge system
, i.e., the realization of the transformation of information and knowledge to
require three different stages of conditions:
1. The first stage is the perceptual cognitive process of knowledge formation,
which requires that the knowledge system must be selective, i.e., sampling the
attributes of information to form a sample sequence of information .
2. The second stage is the rational cognitive process of knowledge, and then the
sample sequence of is abstractly categorized to form the transformation of
the knowledge spectrum sequence .
3. The third stage is the process of utility formation of knowledge, i.e., is
convolved with the original knowledge spectrum K(S) of the knowledge system
to produce a new knowledge spectrum, i.e., a new knowledge increment is
introduced, thus realizing the rectification of information. represents the
utility of the information to generate knowledge, there may be three cases,
when indicates that the information generates new useful knowledge.
When indicates that the information does not generate new useful
knowledge, and when indicates that instead of generating new useful
knowledge, the information increases ambiguity.
Information expresses the states of things in motion and the ways in which the
states change, and knowledge expresses the states of things in motion and the laws
of state change.4 For some random piece of information X, if there are N possible
states of motion, i.e., if its state space is , and if the ways in which
these states change are distributed according to some probability ,
then the probability space, which is a combination of the state space and probability
distribution, is inscribes this information.
Is (S)
Is (S)
Δs> 0
Δs = 0
X1,X2, ……, Xn
P1, P2, ……, Pn
According to the law of movement state and state change of knowledge expression
has a certain external form, has a certain logical content, presents a certain value to
the cognitive subject, and the corresponding knowledge is called morphological
knowledge, content knowledge, utility knowledge, respectively [19-20]. From the point
of view of the information recognition process, both morphological knowledge and
utility knowledge can be directly perceived from external information. The mechanism
of generating morphological knowledge is a form comparison process, which starts
with sampling information to establish information samples and extracting the external
formal characteristics of the motion state [21]. Such as size, height, weight form, color,
etc., and formal features of the way the state changes, such as randomness,
episodicity, and ambiguity. Observing multiple information samples and identifying a
set of information features with common meaning constitutes a feature information
base, which in turn is further formed into a wizard information base through the
computation of the feature information base by the information architect. The utility of
a piece of information for a certain subject not only depends on the subject's goal, but
also relates to the amount of knowledge of the subject. The generation mechanism of
utility knowledge is a process of comparing the distance between the state of reality
reflected by the state of information and the state of the subject's goal, because from
the viewpoint of the most basic method of knowledge induction, only such and such a
state of things in motion as well as the way of change of state will reflect such and
such information, and only such and such information can be obtained by the state of
motion of the thing as well as the state of change of the law of such and such
knowledge. The content knowledge, on the other hand, can only be obtained through
the understanding of the way things move and change. Content knowledge can only
be realized through the mapping of morphological knowledge and utility knowledge.
Let the information generated by the morphological knowledge for , from the
information generated by the utility knowledge for , content knowledge is the simplest
mechanism to generate the information categorization division, through the wizard
information base navigation links, the knowledge spectrum convolution results into the
knowledge base, so as to realize the information rectification and effective conversion,
performance in the morphological knowledge and utility knowledge between the
establishment of a mapping relationship .
Figure 5 shows the mechanism of information generation, through the above
analysis of the mechanism of information generation of morphological knowledge,
utility knowledge and content knowledge, it can be concluded that the realization of
information and knowledge transformation must have three conditions, the selectivity
of the knowledge system, the transformability of the knowledge system, and the utility
of the knowledge system.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Figure 5. Information generation mechanism
In this paper, from the user's point of view, the system function test, the test
includes the performance of the system as well as the function, the performance test
is from the perspective of the system's non-functional design, test the system's final
results whether to meet the non-functional needs of the previous; functional test, on
the other hand, is to test the system's functional modules to test the system whether it
is capable of completing the various business.
This paper samples the data of the system running for a week to test the
performance of the system, and the results of the system performance test are shown
in Table 1. After the system is online, it can ensure that the system can provide
24h*14 hours of service, the average corresponding time of the system function is
less than 0.2s, the slowest corresponding time on the system line is less than 1.2s,
and the system data analysis is done in the background. Considering the performance
of the server, the time for system data analysis is less than 1h, the average trouble-
free time is less than 0.3 times per month, and the system performance is excellent.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Figure 5. Information generation mechanism
In this paper, from the user's point of view, the system function test, the test
includes the performance of the system as well as the function, the performance test
is from the perspective of the system's non-functional design, test the system's final
results whether to meet the non-functional needs of the previous; functional test, on
the other hand, is to test the system's functional modules to test the system whether it
is capable of completing the various business.
This paper samples the data of the system running for a week to test the
performance of the system, and the results of the system performance test are shown
in Table 1. After the system is online, it can ensure that the system can provide
24h*14 hours of service, the average corresponding time of the system function is
less than 0.2s, the slowest corresponding time on the system line is less than 1.2s,
and the system data analysis is done in the background. Considering the performance
of the server, the time for system data analysis is less than 1h, the average trouble-
free time is less than 0.3 times per month, and the system performance is excellent.
Table 1 System performance test results
Functional testing is to test the various functions of the system, specifically
manifested in the functional interface for data input, test the system whether it can
return the expected results. Table 2 shows the navigation function test, 100 times the
test results of a row to reach 100%, no error.
Table 2 Functional navigation tests
In addition, various performance indicators of specific business operations such as
system insertion, deletion and modification are also analyzed and summarized. The
results of the categorized operating system test are shown in Table 3, and the
average response time of each operation is within 1 s. The CPU occupancy rate is
also controlled within 19%. Because now the computer memory is generally above
2G, and because of the small amount of data accumulated in 10 days, DB can be
loaded into memory at one time, the number of memory exchanges and the number
of hard disk reads and writes are generally low. And the computer information
technology has a good control of the disk write operation, the modified data can be
temporarily saved in the memory and written to the disk at one time when the CPU is
idle, so the impact on the corresponding time has been controlled, and the exception
rate is 0 in both entry and modification.
The Project Specific Projects Indicators
14*24 hours normal
Average Failure Frequency <0.3 times/month
Average Repair Time <1h
Real-Time System
Average Response Time <0.2s
Slowest Response Time <1.2s
Statistical Time <30min
Average download speed <1M/s
No. Content Number of
Consistency of test results/%
Normal test Error test
Functions 100 100 100
Search by
Title 100 100 100
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Table 3 Classification operating system test results
In order to prove the practicability of the proposed method, a general-purpose
computer is set up in the experimental platform, the CPU of which is intrlCor 3110M,
the memory is proposed to be 4G, and the operating system is Win-dows10. 120GB
of resources are to be integrated in a library service platform, which contains domestic
and foreign newspapers, drawings, scientific research results, books, and other
attributes, and the integration planning of these resources is carried out in this paper.
The integration planning is carried out. Figure 6 shows the results of resource storage
space integration under the system, the proposed system after integration, there will
be no problem of resource loss, the book category of digital resources for the 60/GB.
This is because the proposed method will be converted to digital resources into
associated data, relying on the existence of the correlation between the data to
classify the different types of digital resources, so as to enhance the integrity of the
digital resources in the integration process.
Figure 6 Results of digital resources integration
ding time/
Disk reads/
Search 580 18.45 274.6 0.02 0.08 0.04
Record 121 11.22 233.9 0.11 0.26 0
Modify 548 17.69 254.7 0.06 0.23 0
Delete 728 16.88 253.1 0.09 0.16 0.1
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Table 3 Classification operating system test results
In order to prove the practicability of the proposed method, a general-purpose
computer is set up in the experimental platform, the CPU of which is intrlCor 3110M,
the memory is proposed to be 4G, and the operating system is Win-dows10. 120GB
of resources are to be integrated in a library service platform, which contains domestic
and foreign newspapers, drawings, scientific research results, books, and other
attributes, and the integration planning of these resources is carried out in this paper.
The integration planning is carried out. Figure 6 shows the results of resource storage
space integration under the system, the proposed system after integration, there will
be no problem of resource loss, the book category of digital resources for the 60/GB.
This is because the proposed method will be converted to digital resources into
associated data, relying on the existence of the correlation between the data to
classify the different types of digital resources, so as to enhance the integrity of the
digital resources in the integration process.
Figure 6 Results of digital resources integration
ding time/
Disk reads/
To a certain extent, the efficiency of integrated literature retrieval depends on the
construction efficiency of the index. Under the computer information technology, each
working node has the same working performance with the master node, which
improves the construction efficiency of integrated index. The experimental system
tested the traditional centralized structure, the WES retrieval method as an example
with computer information technology, under the conditions of different document set
size index construction efficiency, the document size of the specific 150M, 500M, 1G,
2 G, 5G, 1T, index construction efficiency results shown in Table 4. Compared with the
traditional centralized structure of the retrieval method, the computer information-
based retrieval method has a huge advantage in the index construction efficiency.
This is mainly due to the computer information structure gives each independent node
more computing power, when the size of the file to be queried is large, the advantage
of the distributed structure is more obvious, in 1.25M/s-1.61M/s.
Table 4 Comparison of index building efficiency
As the digital library resources are in a state of constant updating, the index that
has been established needs to be updated in real time, the update efficiency of the
document index under the same data size, the index update efficiency is shown in
Table 5. When the size of the document is 150M, the index update efficiency of
computer information technology is less different from the traditional method, and the
computer information technology is 0.66M/s. When the size of the document
continues to increase to 1T, the index update efficiency of computer information
technology is much higher than the traditional method, and the computer information
technology is 1.54M/s, and the WES retrieval is 2.78M/s. It shows that the computer
information technology-based integrated document retrieval method is more suitable
for the integrated service design of digital libraries.
Serial number Literature size
Index construction efficiency M/s
WES search
1150M 6.68 1.25
2500M 6.69 1.27
31G 13.25 1.36
42G 32.44 1.49
55G 58.57 1.52
61T 88.64 1.61
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Table 5 Index update efficiency
Four different fields, namely, economy, empirical evidence, sports and education,
were selected and a total of 10,000 text records were collected. Under the same data
size and hardware and software conditions, the proposed computer information
technology-based ISS in the paper is compared and validated with the WES-based
and metadata-based ISS using retrieval time and correctness of retrieval results as
the comparison indexes. The results of the retrieval training time comparison are
shown in Fig. 7.
When the size of literature is less than 2000 items, the training time of metadata-
based integrated service system is more than 180ms, and the training time continues
to improve with the expansion of literature size, and serious fluctuations occur in the
middle. The smoothness of the WSE service system is better than that of the
metadata method, but the efficiency of the integration continues to decline with the
expansion of the size of the literature, and the time consumed is the highest. The
advantage of computer information technology (CIT) in large-scale literature
integration is gradually highlighted with the increase of literature dataset size, and
when the literature size is more than 3000, the training time tends to stabilize, which
fully explains that the integration system based on CIT is less time-consuming.
number Literature size
Index construction efficiency M/s
WES search
1150M 0.78 0.66
2500M 1.15 0.97
31G 2.32 1.25
42G 2.64 1.41
55G 2.78 1.54
61T 2.82 1.68
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
Table 5 Index update efficiency
Four different fields, namely, economy, empirical evidence, sports and education,
were selected and a total of 10,000 text records were collected. Under the same data
size and hardware and software conditions, the proposed computer information
technology-based ISS in the paper is compared and validated with the WES-based
and metadata-based ISS using retrieval time and correctness of retrieval results as
the comparison indexes. The results of the retrieval training time comparison are
shown in Fig. 7.
When the size of literature is less than 2000 items, the training time of metadata-
based integrated service system is more than 180ms, and the training time continues
to improve with the expansion of literature size, and serious fluctuations occur in the
middle. The smoothness of the WSE service system is better than that of the
metadata method, but the efficiency of the integration continues to decline with the
expansion of the size of the literature, and the time consumed is the highest. The
advantage of computer information technology (CIT) in large-scale literature
integration is gradually highlighted with the increase of literature dataset size, and
when the literature size is more than 3000, the training time tends to stabilize, which
fully explains that the integration system based on CIT is less time-consuming.
Literature size
Index construction efficiency M/s
WES search
Figure 7 Integration time variation
The results of the integration correctness comparison are shown in Fig. 8, when the
data size of the literature reaches 10,000 items, the correctness ratio of the integration
method based on computer information technology can still exceed 85%, which is
significantly better than the traditional integration method.
Figure 8 Comparison of correct rate of integrated system
This paper takes the design of digital library information integration service system
as the research objective, designs it on the basis of computer information technology,
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024
and verifies the effectiveness of the system in practical analysis, and the conclusions
are as follows:
1. In the performance test, the system can provide 24h*14 hours of service, the
average corresponding time is less than 0.2s. And the test results of 100 times
of one line reaches 100% without error.
In the integrated service and update efficiency test, when the size of the
documents to be queried is large, the indexing time is in the range of 1.25M/
s-1.61M/s. It shows that the integrated retrieval method of documents based
on computer information technology is more suitable for the design of
integrated services in digital libraries.
By comparing the accuracy rate of the integrated system, the machine
information technology when the size of the document is more than 3000, the
length of the training time tends to stabilize, which fully demonstrates that the
integrated system based on computer information technology is less time-
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documents to be queried is large, the indexing time is in the range of 1.25M/
s-1.61M/s. It shows that the integrated retrieval method of documents based
on computer information technology is more suitable for the design of
integrated services in digital libraries.
3. By comparing the accuracy rate of the integrated system, the machine
information technology when the size of the document is more than 3000, the
length of the training time tends to stabilize, which fully demonstrates that the
integrated system based on computer information technology is less time-
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Ying Lin was born in Tianjin, China, in 1982. She graduated from Tianjin University,
China, Majoring in computer information management, and from Nankai University,
China, Majoring politics of the firm. She is currently studying computer information
technology at the University of North Arizona in the United States.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.45 | Iss.13 | N.1 April - June 2024