This study used a retrospective cohort study method to retrospectively analyze the
clinical data of 686 patients with pancreatic body and tail panNEC in the SEER
database from 2005 to 2019. The following inclusion and exclusion criteria were used:
<I> Inclusion criteria:
1. Age ≥ 18 years old;
2. Lesion is a primary malignant tumor;
3. Have a clear TNM staging;
4. Follow-up information is complete;
5. Histological diagnosis of pancreatic body and tail neuroendocrine cancer, with
histological code 8246/3 in the tumor disease classification code (ICD-O-3).
<II> Exclusion criteria:
1. Polymorphic tumor;
2. Follow-up information is incomplete;
3. Treatment method is unclear;
4. Tumor type and TNM staging are incomplete.
After strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 246 cases were included out of
the original 686 data. The influencing factors studied included ethnicity, age, gender,
marital status, number of primary tumors, tumor size, TNM stage, tumor
differentiation, chemotherapy, and surgical intervention. The observation indices were
the overall survival time (OS), which refers to the time interval from the date of
diagnosis to death due to any cause, and the survival status at the last follow-up.
Collected clinical data and treatment methods of patients with pancreatic body and
tail panNEC diagnosed clinically from the SEER database between 2005 and 2019.
246 collected data were randomly divided into a training set and a validation set at a
ratio of 8:2. The training set was used for model establishment and internal validation,
while the validation set was used for external validation. IBM SPSS was used for data
analysis. Factors with significant univariate Cox regression analysis (p<0.05) were
included in multivariate Cox regression analysis. Variables with p<0.05 in multivariate
Cox analysis were plotted using the Kaplan-Meier survival curve. Multivariate analysis
results (p<0.05) were used to construct nomograms using RStudio, and compared
with the eighth edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging
system. The prognostic performance of the models was compared using consistency
index (C-index), calibration curve, and area under the receiver operating characteristic
curve (AUROC). Decision curve analysis (DCA) was used to quantify the net benefit
at different threshold probabilities to evaluate the clinical utility of the model.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 53 Iss.13 N.1 January - March, 2024