technology. There are three main categories of data processed by Big Data
technology, namely structured data, semi-structured data, and unstructured data, and
unstructured data is becoming a major part of data.
In big data processing and analysis, correlation analysis is one of the simplest and
most practical analysis techniques, which can be used to better handle unstructured
data and generate frequent patterns and correlation models at the same time. The so-
called association reflects that an event is dependent or related to other events to
some extent and can be predicted according to the relevant rules. Association rules
are a widely used pattern recognition method, which can be applied to enterprise
capital operation risk prediction to effectively identify the risk factors involved.
Let the possible risks in the capital operation of an enterprise be set, and each risk
in it can be regarded as a subset. Each risk subset and the whole risk set are logically
implicitly related. If the probability of two risk subsets appearing simultaneously in the
whole association rule is small, it is proved that the relationship between the two risks
themselves is not significant. If the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of two
risk subsets is very frequent, it indicates that the two risk subsets are related to each
other, and this probability of simultaneous occurrence can also be called support. The
probability of two risk subsets occurring simultaneously is the confidence level, and
when the confidence level is 100%, then the two risk subsets are proved to be
relational and intimate. When one of the risk subsets appears, the other risk subset
also appears in a bundle.
The risk dataset stored by the hashing algorithm is used as input data, and the
frequent item set is obtained by setting the minimum support, and then the next
process proceeds. According to the confidence threshold, the strong association rules
that meet the requirements are inferred from the results generated in the previous
step and are aggregated and verified, and the whole mining process is finished. In the
process, we can set different parameters to guide the mining process according to the
actual needs, and the final results of risk prediction analysis factors are derived by
continuously changing the values of both.
Using the web crawler technology, hash algorithm, and association rule analysis in
big data technology, we can achieve optimization in the accuracy and analysis speed
of risk prediction, and better improve the process and results of capital operation risk
prediction analysis. Accordingly, this paper builds an enterprise capital operation risk
prediction and analysis platform based on the above algorithms, as shown in Figure 2.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.43 | Iss.12 | N.2 April - June 2023