improved the strength and stiffness characteristics of soil treated with fly ash-
based geopolymer. According to the findings of the studies, the ideal fiber ratio
for sand soil was 1.5%.
2. The increase in flexural strength values follows the same pattern as the
increase in compressive strength. When the fiber content was increased, the
flexural strength increased. Flexural strength increases from 0.22 MPa to 0.72
MPa when fiber content increases from 0% to 1.5%.
3. The cementitious products on the fly ash surfaces are observed in FESEM
analysis, indicating a geopolymerization response. The etched holes in fly ash
surfaces created by silica and aluminum breakdown are generally filled with
smaller particles, resulting in a thick matrix.
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3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.44 | Iss.12 | N.2 April - June 2023