As shown in Figure 5, the proposed method is more efficient in the NSL-KDD
dataset. Compared to the accuracy classification of the base paper method [14] the
accuracy of the proposed method classification is higher, moreover, it has better
sensitivity, accuracy, and false positives as shown in Table 3. For NSL-KDD random
datasets, the classification accuracy of the proposed method can be more than
96.22%. The proposed method has a significant improvement in classification
accuracy and better stability in network intrusion detection in comparison with existing
The results of experiments performed in this study show that performing optimizing
the ANFIS parameters leads to better results compared to other methods. The method
of parameter optimization leads to a higher degree of accuracy, sensitivity, and
specificity in the implementation.
The efficiency of intrusion detection is measured with the performance of detection
rate and FAR. Because the detection rate and FAR are the essential parameters that
are considered for the IDS to detect attacks. From the performance of the proposed
model, the detection rate and false alarm rate are satisfactory compared with the
other techniques as shown in Table 3. The GEOSSA-ANFIS model achieved a
96.68% detection rate and 0.438% false alarm rate, which is 3.012% FAR less than
CSO-ANFIS [14] technique.
In this research, the intrusion detection system issues are presented and various
techniques for solving the issues were discussed. ANFIS-based intrusion detection
was a system proposed to detect attacks in networks. Because of the ANFIS, the
combination of the fuzzy interference model and ANN has more advantages over
other techniques. this thesis uses the Golden Eagle Optimizer (GEO) algorithm to
improve the behavior of SSA. The proposed model (GEO-SSA-ANFIS) aims to
determine the suitable parameters for the ANFIS by using the GEO-SSA algorithm
since these parameters are considered the main factor influencing the ANFIS
prediction process. Additionally, the GEO algorithm was used to optimize the ANFIS
model to enhance its performance over intrusion detection which is an advantage for
the IDS system. The proposed model has been used to solve the issues of intrusion
detection and the model is validated using the familiar NSL-KDD dataset. The
proposed model is compared with the other existing techniques like CSO-ANFIS. The
results of the intrusion detection based on the NSL-KDD dataset were better and
more efficient compared with those models because the detection rate was 96.68%
and the FAR result was 0.438%.
The future work will be to enhance the detection and reduce the false alarm rate
with a new machine learning-based classifier with another optimization technique for
detecting attacks based on intrusion detection.
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3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254-4143
Ed.44 | Iss.12 | N.2 April - June 2023