As well as the significance of researching the techniques employed by
management for income smoothing practices and their effect on enhancing the
financial performance of banks, as well as the significance of employing the (Miller
model) in identifying and diagnosing income smoothing practices.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the connection between financial
success and income-smoothing strategies. This paper's main goal is to demonstrate
how, in the context of earnings management, income smoothing procedures have an
impact on the significance of earnings value and financial performance. On these
topics, a prior study has been conducted. Yet, other studies have shown contradictory
findings. The goal of this study is to increase the accuracy of achieving the best
reflective outcome by evaluating a model for income smoothing screening techniques.
This paper is organized as follows: the next section is followed by a discussion of
reviews of the literature to develop the research hypotheses. Next, the research
method and data-collecting process are described, followed by a discussion of the
empirical results. The paper ends with a conclusion.
According to agency theory, a firm is a legal agreement between the party in
charge of managing a resource and the owner of the resource. When the principal
assigns the agent to action and gives them the power to make decisions, an agency
relationship may develop. [6]. in a relationship based on agency, the principal expects
the agent to represent his interests. The main objective of the agent's activities,
regulations, and tactical decisions is to maximize his welfare. Agents, on the other
hand, might work against the interests of the principal since they have their interests.
According to agency theory, management, and principals' competing interests have an
impact on how earnings are managed. By relocating employees, managers may
enhance their well-being. It's possible for managers to want to artificially boost
company performance. The manager's position will rise through expanding the
business, accelerating its growth, or improving performance. The objective is to
strengthen employment security from the possibility of dismissal and secure jobs,
bonuses, and pay increases [7].
The goals of management activities for income smoothing often revolve around
advancing the interests of the business's manager or owner. Managers smooth out
profits to lower tax liabilities and/or boost stock prices or company value to fulfill the
objectives of business owners. However, to keep his job or fulfill the needs of
management itself, such as receiving a salary [5]. By replacing the revenue from a
poor year with that from a good year, income smoothing attempts to equalize the
swings in income that are associated with particular years. Similarly to this, moving
losses or spending from time to time can alter income volatility. For instance, a
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 52 Iss.12 N.2 April - June, 2023