Sidan Liu*
College of Education, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637000,
Peng Peng
College of Education, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637000,
Lei Cao
College of Education, China West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637000,
Reception: 11/11/2022 Acceptance: 16/01/2023 Publication: 11/03/2023
Suggested citation:
L., Sidan, P., Peng and C., Lei. (2023). Application of AR virtual implantation
technology based on deep learning and emotional technology in the
creation of interactive picture books. 3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo
aplicados a las TIC, 12(1), 176-198.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
In recent years, the field of deep learning has flourished, not only breaking through
many difficult problems that are difficult to be solved by traditional algorithms but also
bursting with greater vitality when combined with other fields. For example, product
emotional design based on deep learning can integrate users' emotional needs into
the actual product design. In this paper, we aim to use deep learning and affective
technology in the creation of AR interactive picture books to transform the reading
process from static to dynamic, enrich visual stimulation, and increase the fun and
interactivity of reading. In this paper, based on the three-level theoretical model of
emotion, the emotion labeling results are input to a deep neural network for learning,
to establish an emotion-based recognition model for picture book images. The results
show that the model can well analyze the emotion of images in AR picture books, and
the accuracy of prediction is a big improvement compared with traditional machine
recognition algorithms. The application of AR virtual implantation technology in
interactive picture books on the market is often just a marketing gimmick while
combining deep learning and emotional technology can better create diverse
interactive picture books to meet children's emotional reading needs, enhance reading
engagement, and stimulate children's creativity.
Deep learning; affective technology; AR implantation technology; interactive picture
book; three-level theory.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
2.1. Emotional design
2.1.1. Sources and classification of emotions
2.1.2. Emotionality in product design
2.1.3. Three-level theoretical model
2.2. Deep Learning
2.2.1. Convolutional neural network
2.2.2. Deep neural network
2.2.3. VGGNet network
3.1. Combined application of AR technology in multiple directions
3.2. Features of AR technology
3.3. Comparison of AR interactive picture books and ordinary picture books
3.4. Use of Deep Learning and Affective Techniques
3.4.1. Emotion decoding and emotion labeling
3.4.2. Emotional deep learning
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
In recent years, the continuous development of artificial intelligence algorithms
such as deep learning and the emergence of ever-changing new media have
contributed to the growth of various emerging technologies that have gradually
changed the way information is relayed [1-3]. At the same time, digital technology, as
one of the emerging technologies, has also been developing rapidly, and this
technology is especially reflected in the field of picture books, creating a new wave
that has a profound impact on the way children read. Augmented reality (AR) is a
common and popular over-the-top concept, the principle of which is to use computer
technology to transfer virtual information into the real environment to achieve the
combination of virtual and reality [4-7], in three-dimensional form, the application of
AR technology to interactive picture books can improve children's extraction and
recognition of information [8-9], allowing children to feel the overlap of virtual and real
scenes to enhance the virtual emotional experience and provide a deeper
understanding of knowledge. The application of deep learning and emotional
technology will strengthen the emotional analysis in the creation of AR picture books
and enrich the emotional education function of interactive picture books.
Research on AR books first started with The Magic Book by Billinghurst et al
[10-12]. It is essentially a mixed reality application. In this application, by using a
handheld display equipped with a small camera, the experiencer can then experience
a realistic virtual world through a paper book. Since then many scholars have studied
AR books. Professor Hiromichi Kato and Mark Billinghurst jointly developed the first
open-source framework for AR, AR Tool Kit [13-15], through which applications for AR
can be easily written to superimpose virtual scenes onto real environments. The
literature [16-17] introduces natural feature tracking techniques on AR books. The
literature [18-19] focuses on the user interface design and interaction design of AR
books. The literature [20-21] focuses on the design and research of interactive 3D
books based on AR technology, introducing key technologies and proposing the
production process. In the field of AR picture book publishing, Leo Paper Group
publishes and designs the augmented reality interactive three-dimensional book The
Search for Wondla
[22], and the German company ArsEdition publishes the
augmented reality book Aliens and UFOs
[23-25]. By installing a special player, it is
possible to see the three-dimensional scenes in this children's science fiction story on
any camera-equipped computer through the Internet, breaking through the bottleneck
of local reading.
In the era of new media, the application of AR interactive picture books is emerging.
This paper will analyze the application of augmented reality technology based on
deep learning and emotional technology in the creation of interactive picture books
with the help of quantitative models based on the concepts of emotional design, deep
learning, AR virtual implantation technology and interactive picture books, and explore
how deep learning and emotional technology can better serve the application of AR
virtual implantation technology in the creation of picture books. This paper establishes
a quantitative emotion model based on psychologist Robert Pultchlt's emotion wheel
and Donald Arthur Norman's three-level emotional design theory. Then we compare
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
and analyze the algorithmic ideas of several current mainstream deep learning
network models, and determine that VGGNet is more suitable for emotion
discrimination and prediction of AR picture books. Finally, we establish an AR
interactive picture book image sentiment analysis platform through deep learning
training in an image sample library.
This paper uses cutting-edge deep learning techniques to learn product image
emotions to promote the development and application of affective design, and
affective design and deep learning are the two fundamental cores of this paper. This
chapter introduces the concepts and development of these two topics and the lack of
research in each of them, to discover the research points of this paper before the
specific research is carried out. Among these two topics, affective design is the basic
theory of this paper, while deep learning technology is the technical tool of this paper.
People's need for emotion can be found everywhere in life at any time, for example,
compared to electronic books, people feel that the paper version is not only more
comfortable but there is also a kind of emotional experience that is difficult to imitate
with electronic books, perhaps a gentle and solid touch, perhaps a distant memory is
touched, perhaps the familiar fragrance of paper brings a sense of freshness. For
example, the phone can give me a timely notification of charging when it is out of
battery, and give me a warm reminder when the weather is bad, bringing a sense of
warmth and surprise. In modern society, machines are becoming more and more
common, but people have an innate fear of machines; we feel they are complicated,
cold, and even dangerous. Human-to-human communication is the most natural and
intimate, so I hope the machine can be more humanized, and realize the
humanization of the machine is the main purpose of human-computer interaction
research, and the key to humanization is to make the machine have emotion.
Emotional design is the process of making design objects with emotional factors,
taking into account the user's physiology and psychology throughout their life cycle,
and catering to their innermost emotional needs to induce emotional responses.
Emotions were not separated independently long ago and still belonged to the
realm of philosophy. It was only in the 19th century that the German psychologist Von
Wundt separated the study of human emotions from philosophy and began scientific
research. With the development of time and the maturity of theories, the study of
human emotion was refined into three major branches, behavioral theory, theory of
mind, and cognitive theory.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
There are various classifications of human emotions, and the earliest days of
psychology used a dichotomy to classify emotions into positive and negative
emotions. In 1980 psychologist Robert Pultchlt proposed the emotion wheel to
describe the association between emotions [26-27]. Robert Pultchlt's psycho-
evolutionary theory of emotions is one of the most influential taxonomies of common
emotional responses. He believed that there are eight most basic emotional elements
as shown in Figure 1, which are anger, fear, sadness, dislike, surprise, curiosity,
acceptance, and cheerfulness.
Figure 1. Robert Pultchlt's Emotional Roulette
Emotional design is proposed by Donald Arthur Norman, an American cognitive
psychologist, and its main idea is to attract users' attention and induce their emotional
response through design, to realize the emotional communication and connection
between humans and design objects and bring a better experience and deeper
impression to users.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
The purpose of emotional design is to bring positive emotions or complex emotions
dominated by positive emotions. Talking about emotion from the perspective of design
can even be extended to the category of style. For example, simplicity is style, which
can also be said to be an emotion, because it reflects not only the properties of the
design itself but also the psychological feelings of the viewer.
Emotions have objective and subjective aspects. The objective aspect refers to the
emotional factors embedded in objective things or phenomena, while the subjective
aspect refers to the subjective feelings and understanding received by the viewer or
experiencer. For design works, the objective aspect is the creator's use of design
principles (such as composition principles), combined with psychology, to integrate
colors, shapes, and materials to form a complete system to trigger a specific
emotional response in the experience, which is the process of injecting emotions into
the creator. The subjective aspect of emotion is influenced by the individual
differences of the experience, such as the aesthetics, experience, and preferences of
different experiences, so each person may have very different emotions towards the
same work. It is also influenced by the different states of the same experience, such
as the mood at the time. Even so, due to human commonalities, there is a strong
convergence in the perception of a particular phenomenon, as evidenced by the
research of Dacher Keltner's team.
In Emotional Design, Professor Donald A. Norman divides the emotional design
into three levels: instinctive, behavioral, and reflective [28-29]. The instinctive layer of
design is concerned with the human sensory experience of the material
characteristics of a specific product, which are usually visible or palpable, such as the
structure, color, material, and form of the product. The instinctive layer is the most
basic part and the first to attract people's attention. The behavioral layer of design is
concerned with the interaction process between the product and the user, focusing on
the efficiency and enjoyment of the operation, including the functionality, performance
and usability of the product. The behavioral layer is about the design of product use
so that the function of the product can conform to human behavior to the maximum
extent, in this level of design, the shape of the product and design principles are not
the most important, the most important is the performance of the product. The
reflection layer is essentially also due to the role of the first two levels, but in the three
levels is the most difficult to achieve, need to start from the user's common culture
and information, resonate with the user, but the impact on the user is far-reaching,
which is also the reason why a large number of the current market to give the product
a certain quality and story, to create a different and evocative feeling to the user.
However, in the actual design process, the three levels of emotional design are not
completely independent, but intertwined and difficult to distinguish, as shown in Figure
2 a diagram of the relationship between the three levels, only for different levels of
design focus will be different. Instinctive design is the human-computer dialogue of
intuitive feeling, behavioral design is the human-computer dialogue in the process of
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
use, and reflective design is a dialogue of deep consciousness activity shown
between humans and products.
Figure 2. Emotional design three levels of relationship diagram
Emotions can be learned. There has been a lot of research using machine learning
techniques to perform sentiment analysis for various types of image content. Machine
learning is the process of training a model with data, allowing the machine to find
patterns and use the knowledge learned to analyze and judge new data. The core part
of this process is to design algorithms that allow the computer to learn automatically,
so that the whole learning process "comes to life", and to continuously optimize the
feature weights through backpropagation to improve the learning effect. With the rise
of deep learning, more and more work is being done using deep learning features
instead of traditional hand-designed features for analysis. Among them, deep learning
is a data-driven feature extraction process. Under the premise of ensuring data
quality, the more training samples there are, the deeper features can be obtained and
the more ideal the training effect is. Compared with traditional algorithms, the
expressiveness of deep learning is significantly more efficient and accurate, and the
obtained abstract features are much better in terms of robustness and generalization,
and the whole training process is end-to-end, so there is no need for human
intervention in the middle.
One of the most important technologies for deep learning is neural networks. A
neural network, which mimics the human brain, relies on neurons to transmit and
process information, and the entire network is a system that includes a large number
of neurons. A neuron is a simple classifier that is used to identify object features.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
Convolutional neural network (CNN) [30-31] is arguably the most typical structure
of deep learning networks. 1998 LeNet-5, proposed by Lecun et al. is the first real
multi-layer network, and its convolutional network structure is shown in Figure 3. It
uses convolutional structure to obtain one-dimensional or spatial data, for example,
temporal data is a one-dimensional form of data, while pictures are a two-dimensional
form of data, and convolutional neural network is especially good at processing
picture-like two-dimensional structure data. The process of convolutional data
extraction is a special mathematical operation, and convolutional kernels have been
used in research related to image content processing for a long time.
Figure 3. Structure of LeNet-5
The network starts with an input layer, which is typically an image. Next are
successive alternating convolutional and pooling layers. The convolutional layer
consists of multiple feature maps, i.e., feature maps in Figure 2, and each feature map
consists of multiple neurons, which are connected to some local block of the previous
layer's feature map by the weights of the convolutional kernel. The convolution kernel
is a matrix of weights, for example, it can be 3×3 or 5×5. The extraction of features is
performed by the convolution operation of the convolution kernel with the feature
maps of the previous layer, and as the number of convolution layers deepens, the
feature maps obtained become more abstract. In the same feature map, the weights
of the filters are the same, called weight sharing, which has the advantage of reducing
the complexity of the model on the one hand and capturing the local features of the
input on the other. The locally weighted sum of each convolution kernel after
convolution with the previous layer is passed to a nonlinear function (called the
activation function) to obtain the output of the convolutional layer. The activation
function is an indispensable feature of convolutional neural networks to enhance the
expressiveness of the network. The commonly used activation functions are the
sigmoid function, tanh function, ReLU function, etc. The calculation formula is as
igmoid(x) =
anh(x) =
ReLU(x)=m a x(0,x)
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
The learning effect of a convolutional neural network can be defined by the loss
function. And the training goal of the convolutional neural network is to minimize the
loss of function. The common loss functions are the 0-1 loss function, square loss
function, logarithmic loss function, etc. Suppose the input is given as X, the true value
is Y, and the predicted value of the convolutional neural network model is , then
the squared loss function is
The training process is divided into two processes: forward propagation and
backward propagation. First, forward propagation is performed, and the prediction
result is calculated layer by layer according to the given input . Then the
corresponding loss is calculated according to the defined loss function, and then the
backpropagation of the gradient is performed according to the loss using the
stochastic gradient descent algorithm. The bias of the loss to each parameter in the
network is calculated by the chain rule of derivatives, and then the weights are
updated, and the update formula is
where is one of the weights in the network and is the learning rate, which is
used to control the intensity of the weight update.
A deep neural network (DNN) is a feedforward neural network with multiple hidden
layers [32-33], also known as MLP, and its structure is shown in Figure 4. This DNN
has a total of L+1 layers, where layer 0 is the input layer, layers 1 to L-1 are the
hidden layers, and layer L is the output layer, and adjacent layers are connected by a
feedforward weight matrix.
Figure 4. DNN structure schematic
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
Assuming that layer has neurons, the vector consisting of the inputs of these
neurons is and the vector consisting of the outputs is . Also, we let to
distinguish the final output of the DNN from the output of the hidden layer, given a
training sample with the feature , at this point there is . According to
the rules of DNN computation
where is the matrix of weights from layer to layer and
is the bias vector of the layer . Then there is
The activation function of the output layer depends on the nature of the problem to
be solved by the DNN. Linear activation functions or sigmoid functions are usually
used for regression problems, sigmoid functions are usually used for binary
classification problems, and for multi-classification problems, the most commonly
used is the softmax function, which takes the following form.
denotes the rd component of the vector .
Combined with the above process, the features x of the training samples are first
sent to the input layer, then propagated through each hidden layer in the direction of
the arrow in the figure and finally reach the output layer to obtain the final network
output, a process called forward propagation.
DNN can also be trained with a backward propagation algorithm, and the
parameters of DNN are
The features of the training sample set used are denoted as
The corresponding label is noted as
The loss function on the training set is
is the loss function corresponding to the training sample . The goal of
training is to minimize the training set loss function. To obtain satisfactory
performance, model optimization is often performed using large-scale data, so the
method often used for DNN training is stochastic gradient descent.
h(0) =z(0) =x
z(l)=W(l)z(l1) +b(l),l= 1,2,,L
=sof t ma x (z(L))=
exp (z(L))
θ={W(l),b(l)|l= 1,2,,L}
|i= 1,2,L,S}
R={ri|i= 1,2,L,S}
(θ,χ,R) =
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
Firstly, x is sent to the DNN input layer to complete the forward propagation and
is calculated based on the output and the label . Define the error signal of
the layer as
The error signal e(L)
of the output layer can be easily calculated according to the
loss function, and for the hidden layer according to the chain rule of derivation
where denotes element-by-element multiplication. From this calculation process,
it can be seen that the error signal is propagated from layer L to layer 1 through the
weight matrix in the opposite direction of forward propagation, hence the name
backward propagation. Finally, according to the chain rule, we can get
Based on the above derivation process of forward and backward propagation, it
can be found that the training of DNN involves a large number of matrix operations,
which are well suited to speed up the computation by using graphics processing units
(GPUs). The development of GPU technology is credited with driving the deep
learning research boom. Since GPUs are suitable for large-scale matrix operations, to
give full play to their power, in actual training, we use the mini-batch SGD algorithm,
i.e., for each iteration, a small number of samples are randomly taken from the
training samples to form a mini-batch, and the gradients corresponding to all the
samples in it are calculated at the same time, and this gradient information is used to
update the model parameters in this round. the use of SGD can greatly accelerate the
training of DNN The use of SGD can greatly accelerate the DNN training speed.
In 2014, Simonyan and Zisserman, scholars from Oxford University, proposed the
famous VGG family of models (including VGG-11/VGG-13/VGG-16/VGG-19) [34-35]
and achieved second place in the classification competition and first place in the
localization competition at the ImageNet competition that year.VGGNet, with its good
generalization performance, VGGNet has been widely used in the field of computer
( )
( )
( )
( , , )
E r
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
( 1)
( )
( ) ( 1)
( )
( 1) ( 1) ( )
( , , )
( , , )
l l
l l
l l l
E r
E r f
+ +
= ʹ
= ʹ
x h
h z
h z
W e z
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( , , ) ( , , ) T
l l
l l l
E r E r
x x z e h
W z W
( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( , , ) ( , , ) l
l l l
E r E r
x x z e
b z b
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
The network structure of VGGNet is shown in Table 1. VGGNet replaces five
convolutional layers with five groups of convolutions, adding the previous part
consisting of five convolutional layers superimposed with an activation function, so
that each part does not consist of one convolutional layer plus an activation function,
but multiple such combinations, with pooling operations between each part[36-37].
Table 1. Architecture of VGGNet
11 Layers 11 Layers 13 Layers 16 Layers 16 Layers 19 Layers
Input (224×224 RGB) Image
conv3-64 conv3-64 conv3-64 conv3-64 conv3-64 conv3-64
LRN conv3-64 conv3-64 conv3-64 conv3-64
Maximum pooling layer
conv3-128 conv3-128 conv3-128 conv3-128 conv3-128 conv3-128
conv3-128 conv3-128 conv3-128 conv3-128
conv3-256 conv3-256 conv3-256 conv3-256 conv3-256 conv3-256
conv3-256 conv3-256 conv3-256 conv3-256 conv3-256 conv3-256
conv1-256 conv3-256 conv3-256
Maximum pooling layer
conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512
conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512
conv1-512 conv3-512 conv3-512
Maximum pooling layer
conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512
conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512 conv3-512
conv1-512 conv3-512 conv3-512
Maximum pooling layer
Fully connected layer-4096
Fully connected layer-4096
Fully connected layer-1000
Softmax layer
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
VGGNet has the following main advantages.
VGGNet uses convolutional kernels with small sensory fields instead of those with
large sensory fields, which can reduce the number of network parameters. Since
the number of parameters is greatly reduced, one convolutional layer with a large
sensory field can be replaced by multiple convolutional layers with a small sensory
field, thus increasing the nonlinear expression capability of the network.
2. Starting from VGG-16, VGGNet introduces a convolutional layer with 1×
1 kernel
size, which enhances the nonlinear expression ability of the network without
affecting the size of the feature map.
Augmented Reality (AR) is a branch of VR technology, which is currently used in
various fields such as design and life. With the maturity and progress of AR
technology, AR technology has been gradually applied to new fields such as
education, with a wide range of radiation, such as medical systems, cultural heritage
preservation, games and entertainment, children's publishing books, etc. AR
technology system extends from a simple desktop to a complex interactive experience
and gradually expands to touch screen and portable convenience.
Currently, in the context of AR technology being widely used in other fields, the
technology has also begun to be applied in the book publishing industry. In the
process of application, it will also fully combine other forms of technology, such as
digital technology, multimedia technology, etc. The use of these technologies provides
more possibilities for augmented display technology so that it can be applied to more
fields. The static and single content expression is presented in a realistic and three-
dimensional way.
AR technology is to fuse virtual impact and real impact, and enhances reality to
achieve real-time interaction, and through three-dimensional registration to complete
the realization of AR products.
Virtual reality fusion refers to the enhancement of realistic scenes with the
superimposition of virtual objects and realistic environments. Augmented reality
technology provides an intermediate transition state for children, this transition state
is partly virtual imaginary and partly real, the emergence of this transition state can
alleviate children's anxiety due to cognitive uncontrollability after age enhancement
and constant exposure to the external world. Potential space, as a kind of
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
intermediary in the transition space, can prompt children to enter reality from the
fantasy world, participate in reality and cognize the object.
Real-time interaction means that people can interact and operate with the
enhanced reality environment machinery through the device. This interaction should
meet real-time requirements. Augmented reality technology can convert the static
content of science-based children's picture books into a huge network linked by
keywords, consisting of graphic images, animation, sound effects and text and
other media to form an independent text. Children interact with AR picture books
and can get a new reading experience with the help of clicking, touching and
hearing, which is incomparable to traditional picture books.
3. Three-dimensional registration (also called three-dimensional alignment) is a one-
to-one fusion correspondence between the computer-generated virtual image and
the real environment, and maintains accurate positioning and correspondence,
while the correspondence between virtual objects and the real environment must be
perfectly integrated to facilitate users to use their portable cell phones to use the
camera to aim at the QR code for identification, to identify the information materials
that match the QR code.
AR interactive picture books and traditional picture books are communication
mediums to convey information in the form of images. AR picture books are based on
traditional picture books, integrated with augmented reality technology, cell phones
scan the picture of the book in three-dimensional presentation. The traditional picture
book display form becomes more diversified. It can be said that AR picture books are
developed based on traditional picture books, and AR picture books can meet more
needs of children. The comparison of the two is shown in Table 2.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
Table 2. Comparison table of traditional picture books and AR picture books
AR interactive picture book is a comprehensive picture, voice, click an interactive
multimedia product, combined with deep learning product emotional design can make
the AR interactive picture book greatly enhance the expressive power, and interactive
effect significantly improved.
The most important medium in picture books is images, and how exactly do the
underlying features of images generate high-level abstract emotions? It is difficult to
explain clearly even for humans, and the machine learning this process is a huge
semantic gap, and the process of deep learning is to bridge this gap, but because of
the end-to-end nature of deep learning, the machine learning process in terms of
which features are extracted is something that no one can say. One cannot
understand what rules are used to map the underlying features to the high-level
Traditional picture books AR picture books
Traditional picture books
convey information through
pictures, the output of
knowledge points is more
(1) Cell phones scan the
picture of this book, a three-
dimensional model and
animation display appears on
the screen, more vivid image,
enhance the emotional
experience of children. (2)
Augmented reality technology
allows the presentation of
models’ diversification.
Without parents around to
explain, children can only can
read with their own
The content of the science is
equipped with audio
commentary, subtitles, etc.
more memorable for children.
Hand-turned book touch only,
no interactive operation
(1) interacting with the model
inside the phone screen.
through gesture operations
can achieve zoom in, zoom
out, pan zoom in, zoom out,
pan, rotate, etc., which can
enhance children's reading
interest in reading. (2) AR
picture books, by adding
game sessions, can to
develop children's thinking in
a multi-dimensional way.
Other Dimensions
Traditional science picture
books do not meet children
for digital needs.
AR development supports a
wide range of systems to
meet the needs of different
needs of different models.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
sentiment semantics. This is often referred to as the "black box" of deep learning. The
current research in the field of computer science has a lot of neural network feature
extraction rules and emotion mapping rules, the object of study is the machine, and
the study is "how the machine learns emotion".
Starting from the international award-winning works of high quality and reflecting
contemporary design trends, and guided by design emotion theory, we selected
product design images with more obvious design emotion characteristics and
established a preliminary design gallery with 2048 images covering common product
categories. Next, we invited design professionals to extract design emotion
vocabulary based on design knowledge and experience and learning of the three-level
theory, and to label the images in the design emotion gallery with emotion, identifying
the typical emotion label for each design image and the design feature label that
generates emotion.
As shown in Table 3, the overall distribution of various sentiments of the picture
samples was obtained after the aggregation of all data annotations.
Table 3. Sentiment distribution of image samples
In the emotional labeling of product images, the first level of emotion not only has
the largest number of words, but also has the highest total percentage, reaching
46.92%, and the second level also has a total percentage of 40.46%, and the highest
percentage of ease of use and comfort belongs to the second level, becoming the
most prominent emotional words, which also reflects the current trend of emotional
design towards the second level. The third level of emotion not only has the least
variety, but also accounts for far less than the first two levels, with only 10.91% and
1.71%, and the sense of belonging has become the most unattractive emotion.
Emotional name Emotional share Level of affiliation
Easy 22.70% 2
Comfort 12.15% 2
Simple 11.08% 1
Trust 10.91% 3
Softness 10.36% 1
Happy 8.47% 1
Noble 7.03% 1
Surprise 5.61% 1
Ordered 5.62% 2
Lovely 4.37% 1
Belonging 1.71% 3
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
Based on the 2.2.3 VGGNet deep learning network, 1500 of the above 2048
images were used for model training, and the remaining images were used for testing.
After the model training is completed, the sentiment with the highest probability for
each image is taken as a single label for the test set, the degree of compliance
between prediction and actual labeling is compared, and the accuracy is measured in
the form of a percentage, which is more intuitive and clear. In this paper, cross-
validation is used to calculate the final learning effect. Cross-validation, also known as
cyclic evaluation, is done by first dividing the total data set into multiple parts at
random, using one part of the data for testing and most of the remaining part for
training the model, which can be used to find the prediction accuracy in the test set,
and then selecting the second part for testing and the rest for training. This cycle
continues until all samples are tested and only tested once, and finally, the average of
all predictions is taken. According to this method, we divide more than 2000 images
into random equal parts and use one part for testing and the rest for training the
model, so that each part is used for prediction once in 10 rounds. The average of the
10 results is taken as the evaluation criterion. The process can also be repeated
several times, each time with a different randomly divided sample, to achieve multiple
cross-validations for more accurate results.
The predicted results of the sentiment probability distribution of the images are
shown in Figure 5.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
(a) Training samples (1-500)
(b) Training samples (501-1000)
(c) Training samples (1001-1500)
Figure 5. Predicted results of the probability distribution of emotions
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
With this calculation method, we obtained a final single-label accuracy of 61.02%,
which is a very good learning result compared to the 50% to 60% accuracy of single-
label classification of emotions by traditional machine learning methods. The
horizontal axis of the figure indicates 11 emotion categories: pleasant, cute, surprise,
soft, comfortable, trust, plain, easy to use, noble, sense of order, and sense of
belonging. The vertical axis shows the proportion of each emotion in each picture. It
can be seen that the prediction results of the learning are all improved compared with
those before the learning, and the prediction curves fit better and better as the number
of learning samples increases. The evaluation of the learning results in this study
includes two parts, the evaluation of the loss of multi-label distribution (KL loss) and
the evaluation of the accuracy of single-label classification (cross-validation), and the
combination of the two aspects can be a good measure of the learning effect. The
evaluation results demonstrate the feasibility and superiority of deep learning in
emotion recognition and also show that the emotion-based design combined with
deep learning can better serve the AR interactive picture book creation.
As the book industry becomes more and more depressed, traditional paper picture
books are slowly forgotten by children and parents, and many children are even
addicted to smartphones, IPads and other mobile devices, rarely reading picture
books. The combination of AR technology and traditional industry links can well inherit
the culture of traditional paper hand-drawn, giving children's picture books a new
connotation, such as AR interactive picture books are more dynamic, enhance the
reader and the book presents interactivity, increasing the fun of paper books. At the
same time, different from paper picture books, AR interactive picture books can
strengthen the interactive communication experience based on deep learning
algorithms. By analyzing and summarizing the sources and connotations of emotional
design, we focus on the three levels of emotional design, highlighting the second and
third levels of emotional needs in the creation of interactive picture books. The
creation of AR interactive picture books with such new technology, can bring children
an emotionally pleasant experience when reading and subtly educate them.
The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the
corresponding author upon request.
The author declares that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of
this paper.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023
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