The results of this study showed that the cultivar had a clear role in the average
height and diameter of the main stem of the seedling, the area of one leaf and the leaf
area of the seedling, especially for the grape cultivar Thompson Seedless, compared
with the Olivette noire cv.. The addition of nano NPK fertilizer at 4g.seedlings-1 or foliar
spraying with 2g.l-1 with nano NPK fertilizer singly or overlap with each other caused a
significant increase in the rates of length and diameter of the main stem of seedlings,
leaf area of
seedlings, chlorophyll and protein content in leaves and carbohydrate in
branches and the concentration of nutrients nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in
the petioles of the leaves.
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3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.42 | Iss.12 | N.1 January - March 2023