Finally, we can conclude the following:-
The results of laboratory testing for the physical characteristics of mixtures show
that the materials’ properties utilized in this study all met the required specification.
From the Marshall Test result, the OBC for the virgin mix is 4.55%, RAP 20 is
4.336%, and RAP 30 is 4.167%. The OBC for mixtures with RAP dropped as the
content of RAP was raised, which is due to the effect of the remaining asphalt in the
The use of RAP and CR results had better performance in Marshall Stability.
Compared to the virgin aggregate mix, CR increased AV and RAP decreased it.
VFA dramatically raised with RAP, but CR reduced the VFA as it increased AV.
4) The cost analysis shows that the use of RAP reduces the cost of a produced ton of
HMA. And the reverse effect of using RAP is shown by using CR as using CR
increased the cost of producing one ton of HMA.
5) Using 10% RAP reduces the cost of one ton of HMA to 0.64 $ while using 20% RAP
reduces the cost to 1.10 $, and the cost is reduced to 1.41 $ when using 30% RAP.
6) Using 3% CR with 10% RAP increased the production cost of one-ton HMA up to
1.47 $. While decreased to 0.82 $ with 20% RAP content and to 0.28 $ with 30%
R A P.
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3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 51 Iss.12 N.1 January - March, 2023