Table 1 – Optimal (s, S) values and minimum cost
γ0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0.1 (3,11) (1,26) (1,12) (1,9) (1,8) (1,7) (1,7) (1,7) (1,6) (1,6)
605.4 958.33 1189.3 1309.1 1381.7 1430.3 1465.1 1491.2 1511.6 1527.9
0.2 (1,10) (2,13) (6,20) (1,27) (1,15) (1,13) (1,13) (1,10) (1,9) (1,9)
515.24 649.96 793.76 983.33 1120 1214.3 1282.5 1334.1 1374.4 1406.7
0.3 (1,10) (1,12) (2,14) (4,18) (7,25) (1,23) (1,16) (1,19) (1,13) ((1,12)
490.34 610.1 689.76 765.15 804.83 1008.3 1105.2 1180.1 1239.3 1287
0.5 (1,10) (1,13) (1,15) (1,15) (1,16) 2,18) (4,21) (6,26) (1,29) (1,24)
472.89 584.32 664.66 722.9 763.58 795.24 838.8 908.47 987.12 1058.3
0.6 (1,10) (1,13) (1,16) (1,16) (1,16) (1,17) (2,18) (3,20) (5,24) (4,29)
468.89 578.74 660.13 721.23 766.65 797.98 821.01 849.05 896.26 959.93
0.7 (1,11) (1,14) (1,16) (1,17) (1,17) (1,17) (1,18) (2,18) (2,20) (4,23)
466.11 574.69 656.36 720.28 769.82 806.51 831.65 849.35 867.81 899.16
0.9 (1,11) (1,14) (1,16) (1,18) (1,18) (1,19) (1,19) (1,19) (1,19) (1,19)
462.32 569.49 651.76 732.47 773.71 818.36 853.53 879.47 896.85 907.9
1(1,11) (1,14) (1,16) (1,18) (1,19) (1,20) (1,20) (1,20) (1,20) (1,20)
461.02 567.74 650.26 717.95 774.64 822.1 860.79 891.35 913.86 928.76
Table 2 – Effect of γand δon various performance measures
Performance Measures γ=1and δ=0.5γ=0.5and δ=1 γ=δ=1
Ls0.00085731 0.10005 0.038268
Ws0.75643 0.0013604 0.07402
Ws1.2436 1.9986 1.926
Einv 1.5852 7.8376 5.9064
Erp 1.2436 0.99932 1.926
Ecycle 580.22 3.9955 10.066
Closs 0.75643 0.0013604 0.07402
s, S
)pair. First emptiness time distribution of the inventory is computed for the case when the waiting
room capacity is restricted to one. We propose to study the transient behaviour of such a system. In
addition, we analyze the case in which the transfer time from the production plant to the retail shop is
a positive valued random variable. Also, the case of arbitrarily distributed lead time and/or service
time is being investigated.
The research work of Manikandan, R., is supported by DST-RSF research project no. 64800 (DST) and
research project no. 22-49-02023 (RSF).
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3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 50 Vol. 11 N.º 2 August - December 2022