The first reported work on discrete-time queue was done by Meisling (1958). In that work, the researcher
analyzed a single-server queueing system in which interarrival time and service time are geometrically
distributed and as a limiting process, the results in a continuous system are derived. In queueing
inventory, stock out generates penalty costs due to the loss and disappointment of customers. This will
create perturbed demand and is considered in Schwartz (1966). Gross and Harris (1973) described the
progress of an (s, S) inventory system with complete back-ordering and state-dependent lead times.
The arrival is assumed to be a Poisson process and the lead time depends on the count of outstanding
orders. Archibald (1981) discussed the continuous review (s, S) Policies which minimize the average
stationary cost in an inventory system with constant lead time, fixed order cost, linear holding cost
per unit time, linear penalty cost per unit short, discrete compound Poisson demand, lost sales and
back-ordering. Krishnamoorthy and Islam (2004) analyzed an (s, S) Inventory model where demands
form a Poisson process. When the inventory level approaches zero due to service, upcoming arrivals are
transferred to a pool of finite capacity. Deepak et al. (2004) considered a queueing system in which
work gets postponed due to the finiteness of the buffer. When the buffer of finite capacity is full, further
demands are shifted to a pool of customers. A potential customer discovers the full buffer, and will opt
for the pool with some probability, or else it will be lost forever.
Manuel (2007) analysed a continuous perishable (s, S) inventory model in which the arrival is under
a Markovian arrival process. The expiry of items in the stock and the lead time follow independent
exponential distributions. Demands that arrive during a period when the items are out of stock enter
either a pool of finite capacity or are lost forever. Sivakumar (2007) studied a continuous perishable
inventory model in which the demand is following a Markovian arrival process. The inventoried items
have lifetimes that are assumed to follow an exponential distribution. The demands that occur during
stock-out periods either enter a pool that has a finite capacity or leaves the system. Any demand that
arrives when the pool is full and the inventory level is zero, is also assumed to be lost.
Sivakumar (2009) studied a continuous review perishable (s, S) inventory model in which the arrival
is in accordance with a Markovian arrival process. First In First Out discipline is used for the selection
of customers from the pool when the inventory level is above a pre-assigned positive value N, which is
at most the reorder level. The combined probability distribution of inventory level and the number of
demands, the system characteristics and expected total cost are obtained in the steady-state. Sivakumar
(2012) also considered a discrete-time inventory system in which demands follow a Markovian arrival
process. The replenishment of inventory is according to an (s, S) policy. The lead time follows a
phase-type distribution. The demands that take place in stock-out periods either enter a pool or go
away from the system with a pre-assigned probability. When the pool has no space and the inventory
level is dry, further demands that occur are considered to be lost. For a discussion of discrete-time
queueing models, one can refer to Alfa (2002, 2001) and Meisling (1958). The present paper generalizes
a work reported in the Ph.D. thesis of Deepthi (2013). The work in this paper is analysed by using the
Matrix-Analytic Method discussed in Neuts (1994).
The model in this paper has many applications in real-life situations. For instance, consider an
automobile showroom that accepts orders and delivers the vehicles whenever there are vehicles in stock.
Here the stock of vehicles can be considered inventory. If the items are exhausted due to service and
non-replenishment, orders of at most kare accepted and remaining demands are assumed to be lost.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides mathematical modeling and analysis.
The stability condition is derived in section 3. Steady-state probability vector and algorithmic analysis
are discussed in sections 4 and 5 respectively. Some relevant performance measures are included in
section 6. Section 7 analyses the waiting-time distribution of the potential customer. Reorder time
distribution is incorporated in section 8. Section 9 illustrates numerical experiments.
2 Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
The following are the assumptions and notations used in this model.
(i) Inter-arrival times follow a geometric distribution with parameter p
(ii) Service time follows a geometric distribution with parameter q
(iii) Up to kcustomers are allowed in the system when the inventory level is zero
(iv) Lead time is geometrically distributed with parameter r
N(n):Number of customers in queue at an epoch n
I(n):Inventory level at the epoch n
, ..}
is a Discrete Time Markov Chain(DTMC) with state space
i, j
0) : 0
≤i≤k, }
. Now, the transition probability matrix of the process
has the form
0123... k−1kk+1 k+2 ... .
k .B
k+1 D2A1A0
where the blocks C0,C
2, K, A0,A
1,and A2are given by
01...ss+1 ... S
0p¯r pr
1p¯r pr
sp¯r pr
s+1 p
01...ss+1 ... S
s+1 ¯p
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 50 Vol. 11 N.º 2 August - December 2022