Then Thas a unique fixed point that belongs to A1∩A2.
Corollary 28. Let
be nonempty closed subsets of a complete metric space (
X, d
be a given mapping, where Y=A1∪A2. Suppose that the following conditions hold:
(I) T(A1)⊆A2and T(A2)⊆A1;
(II) there exists a constant λ∈(0,1/2) such that
d(T x, T y)≤λ[d(x, T x)+d(y, T y)],for all (x, y)∈A1×A2.
Then Thas a unique fixed point that belongs to A1∩A2.
Corollary 29. Let
be nonempty closed subsets of a complete metric space (
X, d
be a given mapping, where Y=A1∪A2. Suppose that the following conditions hold:
(I) T(A1)⊆A2and T(A2)⊆A1;
(II) there exists a constant λ∈(0,1/2) such that
d(T x, T y)≤λ[d(x, T y)+d(y, T x)],for all (x, y)∈A1×A2.
Then Thas a unique fixed point that belongs to A1∩A2.
5 Conclusion
The fixed point theorem is one of the most actively studied research fields of recent times. Naturally,
there are many publications on this subject and several new results are announced. This causes the
literature to become rather disorganized and dysfunctional. The more troublesome situation is that the
existing theorems are rediscovered again and again due to this messiness. More accurately, the results
have been repeated. It is therefore essential to organize the fixed-point theory literature, weeding out
false and/or repetitive results, and, if possible, combining and unifying existing results into a more
general framework. In this work, we show that using admissible mapping, many existing fixed point
theorems can be written as a consequence of the main theorem we have given.
Note that the consequences of the main result of the paper, Theorem 6 is not complete. It is possible
to add several corollaries. On the other hand, we prefer to skip these possible consequences, since it is
clear how the possible result can be concluded from our main theorem and how can be proved. Further,
we underline that the main theorem can be derived in the distinct abstract spaces, such as, partial
metric space, b-metric space, quasi-metric space, and so on.
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3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed. 41 Vol. 11 N.º 2 August - December 2022