Quality Control (QC) has recently emerged as a significant global trend among manufacturers,
adopting intelligent manufacturing practices in view of Industry 4.0 requirements. Intelligent
manufacturing is the process of enhancing production through the use of cutting-edge technologies,
sensor integration, analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The proposed paper mainly focuses on
the study of the scope and the evolution of quality control techniques from conventional practices to
intelligent approaches along with the state of art technologies in place. The challenges faced in
building intelligent QC systems, in terms of security, system integration, Interoperability, and Human-
robot collaboration, are highlighted. Surface defect detection has evolved as a critical QC application
in modern manufacturing setups to ensure high-quality products with high market demand. Further,
the recent trends and issues involved in surface defect detection using intelligent QC techniques are
discussed. The methodology of implementing surface defect detection on cement wall surfaces using
the Haar Cascade Classifier is discussed.
Quality Control, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Intelligent manufacturing, Interoperability, cutting-
edge technologies, analytics, surface defect detection.
Industrial societies are increasingly interested in intelligent manufacturing, especially with the advent
of Industry 4.0, which calls for the majority of industrial tasks to be performed by robots with
intelligence. It expressly indicates that the production systems will be fully connected and all
production processes, including quality control and administration, can be made as intelligent as
possible to run with the least amount of human involvement. Interoperability is a well-known
necessity for the quick transformation of industry-specific processes. Hence it calls for integrating
quality functions with other manufacturing operations to maintain intelligent collaboration so that
quality-related knowledge may be shared with other manufacturing processes. On the other hand, the
integration of manufacturing processes has ensured better performance.
Quality Control (QC) refers to a policy or set of practices created to satisfy a client's or customer's
requirements or to fulfil a defined group of quality standards for a manufactured product or service
[1]. It plays a significant role in maintaining and improving the quality of manufactured products. It
involves testing the products to determine that they meet the necessary specifications. Testing is done
to determine whether corrective measures are needed in finetuning the manufacturing processes to
meet customer demands. QC ensures additional benefits such as reduced inspection and production
costs, minimization of variations, and cost-effective use of resources. The process inspires employees
to create high-quality goods leading to greater customer satisfaction [2]. Establishing customer-
acceptable quality standards, finding defects or variations in the raw materials and manufacturing
processes, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted production, assessing the degree of quality deviation in
a product during the manufacturing process, thoroughly examining the contributing factors and thus
achieving the objectives of quality control [3]. Some of the applications in that quality control are
involved include preserving the quality of processes, products, and services, alerting for process
abnormalities and fault detection, predicting the behaviour of machines, devices, and respective
equipment in terms of the expected yield, machine maintenance and condition monitoring. Thus these
practices ensure the effectiveness of the entire supply chain, starting from suppliers to customers [4].
The stepwise processes involved in quality control, starting from the inspection of manufactured
products to meet the specified requirements up to the decision of acceptance/ rejection, are shown in
Figure 1.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376
Ed. 50 Vol. 11 N.º 2 August - December 2022