3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
Haider Rasheed Abdulshaheed
Computer Engineering Techniques Department, Baghdad College of Economic
Sciences University, Baghdad, (Iraq).
E-mail: haider252004@yahoo.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3963-875X
Haider Hadi Abbas
Computer Technology Engineering Department, Al-Mansour University College (MUC), (Iraq).
E-mail: haider.hadi@muc.edu.iq
ORCID: https://ORCID.org/0000-0002-0724-7829
Israa Al Barazanchi
Computer Engineering Techniques Department, Baghdad College of Economic
Sciences University, Baghdad, (Iraq).
College of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), (Malaysia).
E-mail: israa44444@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6798-6295
Wahidah Hashim
College of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), (Malaysia).
E-mail: wahidah@uniten.edu.my
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7661-5146
Recepción: 23/09/2021 Aceptación: 25/11/2021 Publicación: 14/02/2022
Citación sugerida:
Abdulshaheed, H. R., Abbas, H. H., Al Barazanchi, I., y Hashim, W. (2022). Control and alert
mechanism of RFID door access control system using IoT. 3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas
a la pyme, Edición Especial, (febrero 2022), 269-285. https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.
270 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
The RFID Door Access Control System has been providing security and reliability to many
secure medical and scientic facilities, ocial grounds, and locker rooms with condential
les with access key provided for a limited number of people. This system is an advanced
hybridized one incorporating multiple access methods with enhanced security, making it
easier for members to access the door and impossible for those without the access keys. The
system uses three access methods to open the door. 1. A basic RFID Key tag and RFID EM
reader, for permanent members. 2. A temporary password that can be input using a keypad,
for temporary workers. 3. Remote Door access by administrator using IOT technology, for
guests and visitors for a onetime visit. The system uses NIST to track time and data log
all the details on the web server, data gets registered whenever the door is used. The date
and time at which the door is accessed and the name of the person accessing the door gets
registered every single time the door is used. If the system identies a false access method or
an intrusion, the base gets alerted through WI-FI and the door will be permanently locked
unless the secure system is reset using a special administrator password. The door lock is
activated by means of high torque servo motors with vibration sensors. In case if someone
tries to damage the locking system, it will be identied by the system using the vibration
sensor and the system alerts the base and gets locked.
Automation, Security, RFID, Face detection, Smart door lock
271 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
The RFID Door access Control System is more secure, reliable, adaptive, and exible,
the proposed method is exible such that it can be used at homes, oces, schools, for
medical and scientic organizations containing specimens or scientic equipment that
needs protection, and for people who hold condential les or any object that needs to
be protected from public view or usage (Priyanka et al., 2019). The system uses a primary
microcontroller to control all the operations of the system such that the control loop is
strongly designed to remove any possible errors that can occur. The preferred servo motor
for the locking mechanism is MG995 Servo motor because this servo motor at its peak
voltage can exert a torque of 11kg/cm making the lock immovable by human hands. The
door material is decided based on the usage location, if it’s an oce environment the door
can be made of tempered glass material, in case of a scientic military facility it can be
made of titanium. Regardless of the door material, the control system can be easily installed
making it superbly exible (Sweta, 2021). The Face Detection technique is employed in
extremely condential cases. The IOT technology implements usage of WIFI modules/
routers or Ethernet cables which can be remotely accessed by the administrator through the
internet. The internet access for the system is made possible through a unique webpage or
a personalized mobile application (Nehete et al., 2016; Pavelic et al., 2018).
The System works on three types of access methods and two types of alert method. The
whole process happens with microseconds to ensure security at its best. The rst access
method is members of the organization who have been authorized and are provided a
key card, which is mostly an ID card with a chip inserted within the ID card. On placing
the ID card on parallel with the RFID EM reader, the chip is identied by the RFID
reader. The name of the person accessing is collected from the database and the access
date and time is obtained from NIST, and the access is granted, and the data gets logged in
the Webpage server. The second method focuses on a temporary password for temporary
workers or contract freelancers. The workers can type this password unto the keypad; the
system crosschecks the password and will grant access if the password is a match. The date
and time are obtained from NIST and the data is logged onto the web server. The third
272 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
method is for guests and visitors who visit the secure facility under supervision, the door is
activated through WI-FI from the reception or by any authorized person.
The NIST stands for National Institute of Standards and Technology is a web server that
can be accessed by the microcontroller through the WI-FI module to obtain the ocial US
standard time. With this time, selected hours and minutes are added or subtracted to data
log date and time depending on the user’s time zone. There are many such web servers that
provide date and time, but the NIST server is the simplest to use.
The hardware requirements consist of a microcontroller, sensor modules to input password
and key card, servo motor to physically maneuver the door lock mechanism and WIFI
module to remotely control the door and the alert mechanism (Nwogu et al., 2020).
RFID EM Reader Module
The RFID EM reader module is a RFID EM-18 Reader module with serial TTL
communication. The Module consists of an electromagnetic reader, when the key tag or the
ID card containing the RF chip is placed parallel to the electromagnetic reader (Al-Sudani
et al., 2018); the reader reads the data in the chip and sends it to the module. The module
after processing the data identies the secure number embedded in the chip and provides
it to the micro controller, where the microcontroller crosschecks the data from its database
with the received data to know if it’s an authorized member or an intruder (Khabarlak &
Koriashkina, 2020).
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3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
Figure 1. RFID EM Reader Module Working.
Source: own elaboration.
Figure 2. RFID Tag Mechanism Flowchart.
Source: own elaboration.
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3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
Keypad Module
The Keypad Module is a button sensor device, so when a button is pressed the micro
controller can recognize it. The keypad used here is a 3X4 Keypad Module, meaning
that it has 3 columns and 4 rows. Once the password is entered; the micro controller will
crosscheck the password with the administrator provided temporary password which is
regularly obtained through the web server by the administrator. If the password is wrong,
the LCD display module will display the message” Wrong Password”, if the password is
right the lock mechanism is opened. In case of multiple wrong entries, the door is locked
until the door access control system is reset by the administrator’s special password.
Figure 3. Keypad Module 3X4.
Source: own elaboration.
Figure 4. Keypad Mechanism Flowchart.
Source: own elaboration.
275 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
Vibration Sensors
The vibration sensor is a very sensitive device that is used to measure over a range of
vibration and provide the analog values to the microcontroller; an analog value is set as a
threshold above which if any vibration is sensed by the vibration sensor, the microcontroller
perceives it as an intrusion and activates the alert mechanism (Sweta 2021). The vibration
sensor is necessary device for homes, such that when a burglar tries to break the lock the
alert mechanism is activated.
Figure 5. Working of Vibration Sensor.
Source: own elaboration.
LCD Display Module
The LCD Display Module is a 16X2 liquid crystal display panel that is used to provide
feedback to the person who is trying to access the door. The LCD display module display
the current time as obtained and calculated from NIST server, and a corresponding message
as per actions performed as explained below.
1. “Wrong Password”, is the password or RFID tag sensed doesn’t match with the
password provided by the administrator.
2. “Door Open”, “Door Closed”, is displayed whenever the door is opened or closed,
after crosschecking the password.
276 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
3. “Intrusion Detected” is displayed when wrong password is identied at multiple
4. “DOOR LOCKED” is displayed when the administrator has locked the door from
being accessed by anyone, including the members with the RFID tag.
Arduino Mega
The microcontroller forms the brain of the control system. Arduino Mega is the standard
version with multiple features and specications in the Arduino family. The Uno board
consists of Atmega2560 R3, the most powerful microcontroller in the Arduino series. The
microcontroller comes with 54 digital I/O pins and 14 of these pins can be used to provide
digital PWM outputs. There are 16 analog pins, which can read analog data and can also be
used to provide DC power as output. Arduino Uno is the preferred microcontroller because
of its serial communication method. The microcontroller can communicate serially with
multiple modules at the same time. Due to its simplicity, Arduino mega can be easily re-
coded and experimented on the go, adding to its exibility. The LCD display module and
the keypad modules will require a lot of digital pins and control pins which the Arduino
Mega will satisfy. Considering all the modules that are to be run in the same instance, the
processing speed of the Atmega2560 mc will run the system without hitting a lag, snag or a
breakdown and will provide a smooth operation of the control system (Nehete et al., 2016).
Figure 6. Arduino Mega 2560 R3.
Source: own elaboration.
277 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
WIFI module
The WIFI module is a very powerful and exible device that can be used to connect the
microcontroller with a specic web server, web page, web app or mobile app through means
of internet. The IOT technology has made the remote control and alert mechanism of
the door lock system far easier than before and makes it reliable and trustworthy for the
consumers. In this security system (Barazanchi et al., 2019; Bdulshaheed, Yaseen, & Al
Barazanchi, 2019), the microcontroller is constantly in contact with the NIST server to
obtain date and time, by using the NIST server we are removing the need of an RTC Clock
Module. When the door is operated the status of the door lock and the name of the person
accessing it, gets data logged on the web server. The administrator can open or close the
door from a remote location using internet, and this information is also data logged on the
web server for future reference. The preferred WiFi module type is ESP8266, but advanced
and more secure WiFi module versions can also be used.
Servo Motor
The Servo motor is the most compatible for the door locking system because of its high
torque output. The preferred servo motor here is an MG995 servo motor, because of its
low operating voltage (4.8v to 6v) and high torque output (stall torque: 11kg/cm). The servo
motor can exert a very high torque of 11 kilograms per cm, making it impossible for the
human hands the handle or unlock the door. The only way to open the door is by using the
servo motor, after all the security methods are satised.
Figure 7. Working of Servo Motor.
Source: own elaboration.
278 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
Camera Module
The system uses two dierent cameras for the security operations. The rst is a common
CCTV camera, which are already installed external to this system. The second camera
is a Arducam MT9D111 camera module, which is compatible with Arduino mega
microcontroller. When a user has successfully unlocked the door with the right accessing
methods, the Arducam MT9D111 live streams the video featuring the person accessing
the door. The web server with the face identication neural network (Abdulshaheed et al.,
2018) technology captures the image of the user and checks it with database to identify the
person. If the identity check has failed, the door stays locked, and an alert is sent to the
administrator. The administrator is mostly the manager, or the operator at the reception.
When the user has failed to access the door, the Arducam will live stream to identify the
person. If the identication has failed, the image of the user gets captured and a control
signal is sent to the server, through which the CCTV camera captures a high quality image
of the user when the Access has failed (Al Barazanchi et al., 2021; Al Barazanchi, & Jaaz,
Figure 8. Arducam Camera Module.
Source: own elaboration.
279 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
Figure 9. Working Flowchart of Arducam.
Source: own elaboration.
The software system and the user display interface play a vital role in the door accessing
methods. The focus of the software structure is divided into two parts, the rst part focuses
on the individual modules and their operations, and the second part focuses on the control
system as a whole.
280 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
Figure 10. Flowchart of RFID Door Access Control System using IOT.
Source: own elaboration.
Web Server
The web server is essentially the fastest means by which the administrator can remotely
control the door lock. The administrator is the person responsible and is authorized by the
user organization, and can access the web server (Widadi et al., 2021; Yaseen et al., 2020).
The web server also is protected by software security and passwords, by using the password
the administrator can login to the web server and can use the option displayed to lock and
281 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
unlock the door from a remote location and can view the registered data log to identify the
list of people who have accessed the door.
Blynk App
This is a mobile application that allows separate repacking of its functionalities to remote
access any IOT based system. Like the web server, the mobile application is also protected
by the administrator himself and provides options to lock and unlock the door and also
view the data log history of the members who have accessed the door from time to time.
This app is either directly used, or an android app is built as per user’s preference. Due
to the exibility of the system, the app too should be made exible and must be able to
support dierent devices and environments it is place in.
The RFID Door Access Control System performs two operations, the rst operation is the
door accessing method, and the second operation is the data logging and alert mechanism.
Regardless of these operations, the microcontroller gets data of date and time from the
WIFI module. For this reason, the WIFI module is always connected to the NIST web
server. But provided that the WIFI module can only be connected to a single web server,
to handle this disadvantage the WIFI module is made to connect with the administrator
web server only at certain intervals; intervals when the door is accessed, when data logging
and when alerting the administrator (Abbas et al., 2021). The administrator web server is
not always connected to the system. So, the web server is designed to wait the connection,
once the connection is set the control data is passed to the microcontroller, which will
lock or unlock the door appropriately. Hence, the WIFI module is made to connect with
the administrator web server to fetch control data for every 1 minute time limit in a 10
minute time interval. When a person tries to access the door using RFID tag or Keypad
methodology, the microcontroller will receive the provided password from the modules and
will crosscheck it with the password provided by the system or the organizations database.
Upon success, the access to the door is granted. Upon failure, the LCD display module will
display the message “WRONG PASSWORD”, this entry will get registered in the data log
282 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
on the web server and the user will have to provide the right password to gain access to
the door. In case of multiple wrong entries, the system will nalize it as a fraudulent access
and will permanently lock the door from anyone’s access and also alerts the administrator.
The permanent lock can only remove by resetting the system using a special administrator
password by the admin. In case of a thief trying to break the door, the vibration sensor will
sense this act and alerts the administrator and again permanently locks the door.
Figure 11. Block Diagram of Working System.
Source: own elaboration.
Personalizing the security system is an easy task, because of the exibility the system
provides. Personalizing the system might include replacing the access methods by using
Fingerprint sensor (Sweta, 2021), AI face detection, AI Eye detection or by advanced gesture
control techniques using a camera interface. Depending on the devices to be included,
other supportive devices should also be changed in terms of compatibility (Abdullah, Abed,
& Al Barazanchi, 2019). The idea of personalizing the security system might help members
of an organization who follow a specic culture, and the access methods will not be a trivial
action in terms of their working ways.
The usage of Automation has been growing over the years and with the incorporation of
IOT technology, existing security and automation systems have upgraded themselves to
283 https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2022.specialissue9.269-285
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Febrero 2022
a new leash. People can now control their automation systems at oce, in the comfort of
home and vice versa. With the upgrades of science and engineering, the current system
will be upgraded to a pure camera based sensor system, where the user doesn’t need a
password, key card or other ID. The AI system would be heightened that the users’ face is
automatically scanned and identied, without needing him to stand in front of the door;
he or she can simply walk past the door without having to open with the upgraded systems.
Such is the future of these systems and Automation.
This research is nancially supported by UNITEN UTM collaborative research grant
20200107CRGJ on the minor aid to get it presented and published.
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