3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
This section oers a short review of the prevailing analysis work associated with intrusion
detection system. From Big Data Analytics for Network Intrusion Detection paper, we tend
to came to understand that this analogy network ows, logs and system events for intrusion
detection by Wang and Jones (2018), in this projected system, the big data analysis will
correlate multiple information sources into coherent read, determined suspicious activities
and eventually accomplish economical intrusion detection. Wei Wa Nge conferred a Light
Weight Intrusion Detection in laptop Networks. In this paper, the intrusion detection in
big data environment needs for light weight models that are ready to accomplish real time
performance throughput detection. It improves the potency of information process in
intrusion detection. In this work we projected three strategies of information abstraction
particularly, ideal extraction, attribute choice and attribute abstraction.
Roesch (1999) conferred a Snort Light Weight Intrusion Detection for Network. In this
paper, Roesch (1999) had realized the various applications wherever the snort can be
terribly helpful as a component of an integrated network security infrastructure. Snort
was designed to full the necessity of a prototypic lightweight network intrusion detection
system. Lee and Huang (2013) given a Pattern Matching Scheme with High Throughput
Performance and Low Memory Requirements. Serving and detection of malicious attacks
against networks was mentioned in this paper (Lee & Huang, 2013). The pattern-matching
architecture with high throughput performance and low memory requirements.
Armstrong, Korah, and Salivahanan (2018) presented an Ecient String Matching FPGA
for Speed Up Network Intrusion Detection. In this paper, the authors had discussed
about the eciency of IDS using FPGA that designed by string- matching system. The
proposed system can maintain throughput of 19.2 Gbps with performance in terms
of Performance Eciency Metric (PEM). In this paper Armstrong et al. (2018) discussed
about the emerging new articial intelligence technique which can be used in the real-life
problems. They have also made an approach for user behavior modelling and presented
the display results from the preliminary testing needed for their project. Zhang et al. (2001)
presented a Hide: A Hierarchical Network IDS. In this paper, Zhang et al. (2001), described
about the architecture of their system i.e., Hierarchical Network Intrusion Detection
System. They had also briefed the contents about statistical pre-processing techniques and