3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
P. Sandhya
Associate Professor, Department of EEE, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bengaluru, (India).
E-mail: urssandhyarai@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1562-3086
Nagaraj Ramrao
Vice Chancellor, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Tamilnadu, (India).
E-mail: nagaraj.ramrao@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2542-5999
Citación sugerida:
Sandhya, P., y Ramrao, N. (2021). An ecient Hybrid Active Power Filter (H-APF) for harmonic
mitigation using compensation techniques. 3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme, Edición
Especial, (noviembre, 2021), 623-643. https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2021.specialissue8.623-643
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
The deviation of physical characteristics like current, voltage, and frequency in power
systems aects the damage of electronic equipment with signicant power loss. Power quality
issues are resolved using lters like passive lters (PF) and active power lters (APF). The
drawbacks of the PF and APF are resolved using Hybrid-APF. In this article, the Hybrid-
APF (H-APF) is designed for harmonic reduction and power quality improvements using
current compensation technique. The proposed H-APF has of 3Ф- AC Source connected
in series with Non-linear load, Shunt-PF, and Shunt-APF. The Shunt-PF (S-PF) is connected
in Series with Shunt-APF (S-APF) to form a Hybrid-APF. The compensation techniques
include PQ-method/DQ Method and Hysteresis-Current- Controller (HCC) are used to
reduce the harmonics from the Load. The complete model is designed using MATLAB
Simulink and analyze the simulated voltage-current waveforms. The H-APF is compared
with dierent ltering technique concerning THD and reactive power with improvements.
The H-APF improves the THD of 5.76% over shunt–APF using PQ-Method. The H-APF
using PQ-Method improves the THD over 69.54% than the H-APF using DQ-method.
Hybrid -APF, Active Power Filter, Passive Filter, Harmonic Filter, PQ Theory, DQ Theory,
HCC, Simulink Modelling.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
The growth and economy of the country depend on the power generation and its usage.
Due to recent advancement in technology, people demand high-quality power to their daily
need. The problem occurred in power system due to voltage, current, frequency variation
like swell, transient, harmonics, and spikes in electrical and electronic equipment’s. The
usage of the new power electronic devices starts from small non-linear load in the home to
extensive industrial applications. The power quality problems are resolved in recent years
by incorporating new techniques in power systems (Ahsan, Pan, & Li, 2018; Diab et al.,
2018). The voltage and current harmonics in power systems are solved by using ltering
methods. The harmonics are occurred by electromagnetic interference and voltage/ current
distortion. The Reactors, transformations-K-factor, Pulse and Phase shifting solutions,
Tuned, low-pass lters, active and hybrid-Harmonic lters are the dierent harmonics
mitigation techniques to compensate the current from the loads (Schwanz, Bollen, &
Larsson, 2016).
The Passive Filters (PF’s) are used to mitigate the current harmonics, but facing problems
with parallel resonance. The APF’s are used to reduce the drawbacks of PF’s and mitigate
the harmonics. The APF mainly performs the harmonics detection, reference current
signal calculation and gate pulses generation. In general, APF is classication is processed
on Topology, Converter, and Number of phases. The converter base includes voltage and
current source inverter. The Topology type includes Unied Power Quality-Conditioner
(UPQC), Series, Shunt, and Hybrid APF. The phases include single-phase, 2-Wire and
3-phase, 3 or 4 -wire. The Hybrid-APF are classied based on the topology includes Shunt
APF with Series APF, Shunt APF with Shunt PF, APF in Series along with Shunt PF and
Series APF with Shunt PF. The control strategies are used to compensate the current in
APF, which includes proper signal conditioning, reference signal generation based on time
and frequency domain, DC Link controlling using PI Controller, sliding mode, and Fuzzy
and nally ring signal generation using HCC, PWM and other Techniques (Demirdelen
et al., 2013).
Most of the existing research done is on active lters or passive lters individually. The
active lters classify as the shunt lter, which is costly and not convinced for higher energy
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
systems and series lters to isolate the harmonics, but not to a great extent. Similarly, passive
lters eliminate particular harmonics but cause parallel resonance. The hybrid lter oers
ecient and cost-eective solutions with harmonic elimination with better power quality
improvements. In the proposed design Hybrid–APF is designed, is the integration of S-PF
connected in Series with S–APF. The Hybrid-APF overcomes the drawbacks of the APF.
The Hybrid-APF is designed using controlling strategies, which includes reference signal
generation with time-domain using PQ –method and DQ-Method, DC-Link controlling
using PI Controller, ring signal generation using HCC.
The proposed method has hybrid combination of Passive and Shunt active power lter,
using current compensation techniques like PQ-Theory and Hysteresis current controller.
The switching losses are controlled by PI controller and improve the APF computations.
The proposed approach is improved version of conventional methods in terms of THD
and reactive power. The proposed model is easily recongurable by replacing PQ-method
with DQ-method and vice versa. In future, by replacing the PI controller with articial
neural network (ANN) based controller to improve the THD and power.
Section 1.1 discusses the background of the previous research works of Hybrid-APF and
Shunt -APF. Section 2 describes the detailed architecture of Hybrid-APF and elaborates
the current compensation techniques which include PQ-Method, DQ-Method and HCC.
Section 3 explains the simulation results of the Hybrid-APF. Section 4 discuss the other
ltering methods with THD and reactive power comparison with improvements and also
concludes the overall work with improvements.
This section explains the background of existing APF and Hybrid-APF using dierent
approaches. Chau (2016) present Adaptive current control technique for H-APF, which
includes Prediction model, identication, and fuzzy neuro controller with a cost function.
The fuzzy neuro controller is working on membership function used in the fuzzy layer
and rules layer. Temerbaev and Dovgun (2014) describe the power quality in distributed
systems using H-APF, which contains load compensation with Notch IIR Filter for
harmonic mitigation. The analysis of Shunt H-APF Controller by Harmonic voltages,
Series H-APF controlled by source harmonic current and Combined H-APF controlled
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
by Load harmonic current is discussed. A practical design approach for transformer-less
Shunt-APF is explained by Unnikrishnan et al. (2015) which include design procedures
for selecting the components and controlling techniques. The controlling method includes
PQ-Theory with Low and high Filter along with PI Controller for current and dc-voltage
controlling along with THD ndings for dierent harmonic orders. Das, Ray, and Mohanty
(2017) explain the RLS algorithm for harmonic mitigation using Hybrid-power lter with
better power quality, which includes shunt PF connected series with series APF. The RLS
algorithm is incorporated with DQ-theory in series AF by replacing the PI Controller and
HCC. The Shunt-Hybrid-APF is designed by Tahmid and Ahmad (2017) which includes
3Ф-4-wire -non-linear load, along with PF, DQ method, and PLL. The PLL is used to
frequency elements of Non-linear loads and generation current by HCC.
Nandankar and More (2017) present transformer-less H-APF using dierent inverter
topologies, which includes Six-switch Two-leg, Nine-Switch and Voltage-Source Inverters.
The nine-switch Two-leg inverter-based HPF achieves better THD and reactive power.
Babu, Kar, and Halder (2016) and Kar and Halder (2016) analyze the H-APF using HCC
for power quality, which includes PQ-Theory, HCC for current compensation, along with
Fryze compensation theory. The PQ method is better THD than Fryze compensation
method. Balasubramanian and Palani (2016) present Shunt H-APF using PQ Theory with
current source and voltage source type non-linear load.
The APF is designed using six Transistors are connected parallel and acts as an inverter
with DC voltage capacitance along with HCC and PQ method. Thuyen (2018) presents
improved P-Q harmonic detection technique for H-APF using Fuzzy logic controller.
The instantaneous P-Q theory is replaced by fuzzy adjustor to decreases the response
time and increases overshoot time. The same author, Thuyen (2019), extends the work by
introducing a new design based on Social Spider Algorithm (SSA), which supports multi-
objective optimization by replacing the Fuzzy adjuster with improved THD and reactive
power. Wang, Lam, and Wong (2018) present Shunt–HAPF based on Thyristor Controller
LC-coupling (TCLC) to improve the cost, reliability, and power loss of the power system.
Esfahani, Hosseinian and Vahidi (2015) describes the Fuzzy based Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) for HAPF for better PQ improvements. Damodhar and Kumar
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
(2016) explain the hardware based (FPGA) Hybrid power generator for dierent industrial
applications. Dhineshkumar and Subramani (2018) describe the Kalman lter-based
H-APF for PQ improvements with good harmonic mitigations.
In this section, the proposed Hybrid-APF is designed for Power quality improvements and to
mitigate the harmonics. The Hybrid-APF is an integration of S-PF connected serially with
S-APF. The primary model includes Three-Phase AC Source, RL components followed by
Non-linear Load along with S-PF and S-APF.
Hybrid-APF architecture is represented in Figure1. The Three-Phase AC mains is connected
with Non-linear Load and also to Shunt Passive lter (S-PF), Shunt-APF, Universal Bridge,
PI Controller and HCC
Figure 1. Detailed Architecture of Hybrid-Active Power Filter (H-APF).
Source: own elaboration.
The Non-linear load includes the 3-phase RL load, followed by six-diodes connected in
parallel and an unbalanced load. The unbalanced load has three resistors 2Ω,4Ω and
in parallel. The Shunt PF is wired in series with IGBT (Universal Bridge) based Shunt-
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
APF to mitigate the harmonics and ended with DC link capacitors C
and C
. The control
strategies are incorporated to compensate the voltages and currents using PQ-Method and
HCC are explained in the below section.
There are so many methods that are used to compensate the currents, in that PQ-method is
a commonly used method in power system to improve the power quality. The instantaneous
I and V waveform values are expressed by three-phase instantaneous space vectors (αβ0).
These current and voltage values of the 3-phase system are converted to αβ0 values with
the dierence of 2π/3 on each phase. The mathematical equations are expressed in a
matrix using Clark's Transformation for current and voltage conversion is below.
The three-phase instantaneous space vectors are generated using equations (1) and (2) using
abc to αβ0 or (Clark’s) transformation. The zero sequence values of equations (1) and (2)
are removed from the 3-phase systems, so V
and I
are not considered for further analysis.
The p and q values are generated using below equations (3) and equation (4) are expressed
in matrix form.
The p and q values are compensated using average and oscillator values are expressed in the
below equation (5).
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
The p
and q
are oscillatory values and p
and q
are average values. The compensating
power of p and q is expressed in equation (6).
The compensating current reference generator (CCRG) of αβ is expressed in the below
equation (7).
The CCRG of αβ values are converted back to abc values using Inverse Clark’s transformation
and are expressed in equation (8).
These abc transformed values are considered as reference current and used in Hysteresis
Current Control (HCC).
Figure 2. Current Compensation Using PQ Method.
Source: own elaboration.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
The current compensation using PQ-Method is represented in Figure 2. The Main’s
voltage (V
) and load current (I
) from the 3-phase main power supply are given as input
to the abc to αβ0 transformation block (eq (1-2)) followed by instantaneous PQ calculation
using (eq (3-4)). The reference compensated current is generated by CCRG using equations
(5-7). Finally, the conversion of the αβ to ABC transformation is achieved by equation (8).
The DC link voltage is used to improve the APF computations. PI Controller achieves the
generation of the switching losses of the converters. The Hybrid-APF switching losses are
balanced by using the DC link voltage as constant.
The DQ-Method is similar to PQ-Method and it is represented in Figure 3. The 3-phase
source voltage (V
) is applied to Phase- Locked Loop (PLL) which is used to synchronize
the dierent frequencies and voltage signals based on gains. The PLL output (k) is used to
synchronize the DQ and CCRG. The load current (I
) is converted to αβ0 values with the
dierence of 2π/3 using equation (2). The DQ calculation is achieved using park conversion
below equation (9).
The rotating reference frame (RRF) dq occurred based on DC components and harmonic
values are frequency shifted by ‘k’. The DC values are extracted by using LPF with margin
at the line frequency.
Figure 3. Current Compensation using DQ Method.
Source: own elaboration.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
The CCRG generates the αβ0 values using inverse park conversion in below equation (10).
Apply the inverse Clarke transformation using equation (8) to generate the nal compensated
current I
values and these values are processed in HCC.
The HCC is used to obtain the pulse width modulation (PWM) signals for Hybrid-APF. The
HCC is working based on the feedback mechanism. The switching gate signals are given,
when the error limitation crosses the given tolerance value in H-APF. The architecture of
the HCC is represented in Figure4.
The PQ/DQ Method generates the compensated reference three-phase current (I
and measured current (I
) from the mains are inputs to the HCC model. The relation
operator (>=) acts as a switch to compare the three-phase reference and measured current.
If (I
>= I
) then g
will be activated (Switch ON) otherwise g
will be activated. Similarly,
if (I
>= I
) then g
else g
gate pulses and If (I
>= I
), g
else g
gate pulse is generated.
The switching control of the Hybrid-APF using HCC is achieved to generates the gate
pulses and input to the Universal Bridge (IGBT Inverter).
Figure 4. Block diagram of HCC.
Source: own elaboration.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
The Modelling of the Hybrid –APF (H-APF) is designed using Matlab-Simulink Tool and
by selecting the simulation type-Discrete, Solver-Tustin, and sample period of 5µsec.The
H-APF is compared with other dierent ltering techniques concerning Total Harmonic
Distortion (THD), and reactive power (KVAR) of source voltage and current. The
Modelling parameters considered as a specication for dierent ltering techniques are
represented in Table 1.
Table 1. Specication for Different Filtering Design.
3-Phase AC Mains Voltage, 400V
Fundamental Frequency 50Hz
Line Impendence R
= 0.01Ω, L
= 1µH
Unbalanced Load 2Ω, 4Ω, 6Ω
Coupling Inductor 1.2mH
DC Capacitance (Cdc) C
= 40 µF, C
= 40 µF,
Reference DC Voltage V
= 850V
Source: own elaboration.
The Schematic of Hybrid- Active Power Filter (H-APF) using Simulink Tool is represented
in Figure 5. The 3Ф- AC source voltage 400V with a frequency of 50Hz is selected for
dierent ltering techniques for harmonics reduction reactive power improvements.
Figure 5. Schematic of Hybrid- Active Power Filter (H-APF) using Simulink Tool.
Source: own elaboration.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
To compare with Hybrid-APF, other ltering techniques are designed and analyzed in this
section. The S-PF is wired to 3-phase mains, which includes three-phase RL, which is
connected in parallel. Harmonic Filter is designed separately, which includes two 5
& 7
order, 11
& 13
order are connected in parallel. Shunt-APF is connected with 3-phase
mains, which includes Universal Bride, PI Controller, followed by HCC and DQ/PQ-
The experimental setup is conducted for non-linear Load, Passive Filter with Load,
harmonic lter with Load, Shunt-APF with Load, and proposed Hybrid-APF with load to
generate the THD and reactive power results. The Hybrid-APF generates the three-phase
, I
, V
and I
waveforms, after PQ method and HCC compensation technique and
it is represented in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Hybrid –APF source and load Voltage and current waveforms Using PQ Method.
Source: own elaboration.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
The Hybrid-APF has performed the current compensation using PQ method and HCC
with the Load. After compensation, the DC Link V and I waveforms are represented in
Figure 7 and 8, respectively.
Figure 7. DC-Link Voltage Waveform after compensation.
Source: own elaboration.
Figure 8. Compensated Current Waveform after Hybrid-APF using HCC.
Source: own elaboration.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
Figure 9. FFT analysis of Source Current-THD Values for Load and different Filtering techniques.
Source: own elaboration.
The FFT analysis of percentage THD results are obtained after simulating the dierent
ltering technique models with Load is represented in Figure 9. The Three-Ф source with
only non-linear load results the 10.33 % THD for I
before ltering technique introduced
in Figure 9(a).The Shunt Passive lter with Load obtains 9.24% THD, the Harmonic Filter
with Load obtains 8.54% THD, shunt-APF obtains the 2.43% THD, Hybrid–APF using
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
DQ-Method achieves 7.52% and proposed Hybrid–APF using PQ-Method obtains 2.29%
THD for source current are represented in Figure 9(b-f)respectively.
The THD is a central part of the electrical modules to eliminate the harmonics in main
power systems as per IEEE 519 standards. The THD calculation for H-APF using PQ-
Method for dierent Harmonics and Nonlinear loads are tabulated in Table 2 and Table
3 respectively.
Table 2. THD Calculation (%) using different Harmonics for H-APF -PQ-Method.
5 7 11 5 & 7 7 & 11 5 & 11
THD 2.49 2.47 2.34 2.45 2.56 2.35
Source: own elaboration.
Table 3. THD Calculation (%) using different nonlinear loads for H-APF -PQ-Method.
R =10Ω R= 1KΩ
(10Ω, 1mH)
(10Ω,1mh, 10µF)
(1KΩ,10mh, 100µF)
THD 2.29 3.07 2.1 3.05 3.1 3.13
Source: own elaboration.
The THD Calculation (%) of Vs and Is for Load and dierent Filtering Techniques is
tabulated in Table 4. The Non-linear Load achieves 10.33 % THD without ltering
techniques. By using Shunt Passive Filter with Load achieves 10.55 % THD reduction over
Non-linear load model. The Harmonic Filter with Load achieves 8% THD reduction over
only Passive Filter with the Load. The Shunt-APF Filter with Load achieves 45%THD
reduction over Harmonic Filter with the Load. The Hybrid Filter with Load achieves
29.78% THD reduction over Shunt-APF Filter with Load for source Current. The PQ-
Method achieves better THD 69.54% overhead than DQ-method.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
Table 4. THD Calculation (%) of Vs and Is for Load and different Filtering Techniques.
% THD Only Load
Voltage (V
0.08385 0.08368 0.0796 0.1298 0.1308 0.2209 0.2094
Current (I
10.33 9.24 8.5 8.3 7.52 2.43 2.29
The percentage of reactive power is generated for Load, and dierent Filtering Techniques
is tabulated in Table 5. The reactive power for a non-linear load is 12.06%, for Passive
Filter with Load is 13.08%, for Harmonic Filter with Load is 11.6%, Shunt-APF with Load
is 1.104% and Hybrid–APF uses 5.05% KVAR. The H-APF using DQ method utilizes
5.033 % reactive power.
Table 5. Reactive Power calculation (%) of Vs and Is for Load and different Filtering Techniques.
Power Only Load
12.06 13.08 11.6 1.699 5.033 1.104 5.05
Source: own elaboration.
The Shunt-APF uses less reactive power than Hybrid–APF, but it utilizes more THD
and aects for harmonics mitigation. Hybrid-APF achieves the three-Phase Current
compensation for Non-linear loads.
The comparison of proposed model with similar work of Balasubramanian and Palani
(2016) of same parameters with THD improvements of 34% are tabulated in Table 6.
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021
Table 6. Comparison of Proposed H-APF.
Phase Voltage and Frequency 230V and 50HZ 230V and 50HZ
Load Full bridge Diode Rectier Full bridge Diode Rectier
Load resistance 26 26
THD (Current) 2.25% 3.42%
Source: (Balasubramanian & Palani, 2016).
This article presents the Hybrid-APF with modeling and simulation. The Hybrid-APF is an
integration of Shunt-PF and Shunt–APF along with 3-Phase AC Source, RL Components
and Non-linear Load. The S-APF will compensate for the voltage and currents using PQ
Method and HCC. The Hybrid-APF simulation results for Source current and voltage,
load current and voltage is presented. The Hybrid-APF is compared with other ltering
techniques like Passive Filter, Active Harmonic Filter and Shunt-APF. The Proposed Hybrid
–APF achieves better THD than other Filtering techniques. The Hybrid-APF achieves 2.29
%THD using PQ-Method which is better than DQ-Method THD-7.52%. The Hybrid-
APF using PQ Method THD improvement over Shunt-APF is 5.76%. The Hybrid–APF
utilizes less reactive power (KVAR) around 5.05%, which is quite useful for power system
networks. In the future, improve the THD and reactive power of Hybrid-APF by using
Articial-Neuro- Fuzzy Logic Controller as a current compensation method.
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3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue
Noviembre 2021