3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Ed. 39 Vol. 10 N.º 3 Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
In November 2007, load shedding hit SA for the rst time, disrupting businesses, closing mining
operations and aecting households (Coetze & Mart-Mari, 2016). The national power grid again
came under severe constrains during the 2013/2014 summer maintenance program, requiring Eskom
to implement load shedding again. Eskom implemented 99 days of load shedding in 2015, causing a
decrease in manufacturing and mining output, dragging down economic growth (Coetze & Mart-Mari,
Renewable and clean alternative power generation technologies can play an important role in mitigating
these occurrences of load shedding. Increased global public awareness of the need for environmental
protection and desire for less dependence on fossil fuels for energy production is also required (Nehrir,
2011). SA has to consider alternative power generation strategies, such as solar and wind energies, to
keep up with the growing demand and to enable a better level of sustainability (Nehrir, 2011).
SA has one of the best solar irradiances in the world and experiences some of the highest levels of yearly
horizontal solar irradiation globally. The average daily solar radiation in SA is between 4.5 and 6.5
kWh/m2/day (Niselow, 2019). In terms of SA’s theoretical wind potential, research from the Council
for Scientic and Industrial Research suggest that to generate the equivalent of SA’s current electricity
demand, only 0.6% of the available SA’s land mass would have to be dedicated to wind farms (Nehrir,
2011). The two main alternative strategies for this study focus on the use of wind and solar farms as
possible supplements to the current energy needs of one town in the Letsemeng Local Municipality in
the Free State Province of SA.
This research is focused on one town in the Letsemeng Local Municipality, located in the Free State
Province of SA, which is Koefontein. The objective of this research is to:
1. Obtain the energy usage bills from Eskom to determine what energy needs to be supplemented.