3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Mayo 2021
Odor pollution is most complex problem due to its distinctly dierent characteristics, as they
possess dierent physical and chemical properties, and they are present at a concentration
ranges from high parts per million (ppm) to low parts per billion (ppb) (Shinde et al., 2017).
Till date very little attention has been paid towards Odor pollution issues in India, therefore
Odor pollution and its problems has become objectionable proportion with the growing
population, industrialization, and urbanization. The main cause of Odor pollution and
its problems is due to urbanization with improper sanitation facilities (Nicolas et al., 2006).
At the same time there are many sources which contributes to Odor pollution, they are
classied as 1. Point sources (vents, stacks, and exhausts), 2. Area sources (Sewage treatment
plants, wastewater treatment plants, solid waste landll, composting, household manure
settling lagoons, etc.) (Elwell, 2001; Nicolas, 2006; Pagans, 2006), 3. Building sources (Pig
sheds, hog connement chickens) (Misselbrook et al., 1993) 4. Fugitive sources (soil bed or
bio-lter surfaces). Hence, Odor can arise from many sources, most are manmade garbage
or unscientic dumping on vacant lands (Di et al., 2013; CPCB, 2007).
The Major Odor pollution are Industries Pulp & Paper, Fertilizer, Pesticides, Tanneries,
Sugar & Distillery, Chemical, Dye & Dye Intermediates, Bulk Drugs & Pharmaceuticals etc.,
Large Livestock operations, Poultry/chicken Farms (Hayes et al., 2006), Slaughterhouses,
Food processing industries, Agricultural activities like decaying of vegetation, production
and application of compost etc. (Yan-li Zhu, 2016; CPCB, 2007), In urban and metropolitan
areas, improper maintenance of public amenities like toilets, bus/railway stations, hospitals,
shopping complex etc. generate pungent Odor, which aects the peoples as well as
neighborhood residents. Important issue is Odor cannot escape from Congested markets,
thus causing problems to shop-keepers as well as to customers (CPCB, 2007).
Generally, the most common Odors released from various sources are putrid, pungent, or
musky etc., from these Odors some toxic gases are also released like ammonia, Sulphur
dioxide, hydrogen sulde (Sarkar et al., 2002) which can cause dreadful diseases to living
beings, hence strong Odors released from dierent sources, causes irritation to eyes, nose,
throat or lungs, nausea, loss of memory & sleep, coughing due burning sensation, headache,