3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Mayo 2021
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set forth by United Nations in 2016 were
succeeded by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targeted to be achieved by the
year 2030 (United Nations, n.d. b). The SDGs are the targets for global wellness by easing
the human lives through zero hunger, equitable quality education, sound environment,
productive employment, economic growth through industrialization, green energy, global
partnership, research and innovation on underwater resources, technology and many more.
Emergence of 5G/6G universal telecommunication systems, 3D printing, blockchain,
unmanned vehicles, drones as means of smart transportation and innovations in Articial
Intelligence (AI), Cloud computing, big data and data analytics are all set to aid in the
UN’s eorts for achieving SDGs by the year 2030. The world has entered a new era of
technological development through fourth industrial revolution (4IR) of digital divide
with many devastating challenges like COVID 19, environmental degradation, global
warming, growing urbanization and natural disasters; all severely need multi-stakeholder
partnerships among North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international
digital connectivity. For coping with all these challenging global circumstances, nations
are striving for innovative ideas and the Blockchain enabled IoTs is one of the promising
technologies for designing robust digital networking responsible for connecting the humans,
machines, and devices.
Internet of Things (IoTs) has integrated physical industrial operations with cyberspace
technology in all its applications ranging from manufacturing to logistics to supply chain
management. This has decentralized and diversied many industrial processes and systems
and thus has created numerous process ow issues of interoperability of systems and
devices, scalability, security, and privacy, trusted reliance and the most important one is
the complex networking topologies due to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). The
emergence of blockchain technology as a distributed system and its marriage with IoTs as
a Service-oriented-Architecture have posed a sigh of relief for smooth industrial workow
of complex processes towards the successful business plans (Dorri et al., 2016). Because of
the inherited property of being a comparatively secure and trusted system due to chained
blocks data structures, immutability, and irrevocability, blockchain technology has received
a sense of trustworthiness and condentiality to execute guaranteed operations by all its