3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Miriam Viviana Ñañez Silva
Universidad Nacional de Cañete - UNDC, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: mnanez@undc.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8929-2916
Rosario Blanca Pariona Luque
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta - UNAH, Ayacucho, (Perú).
E-mail: rpariona@unah.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8468-7801
Julio Cesar Quispe Calderón
Universidad Nacional de Cañete - UNDC, Lima, (Perú).
E-mail: jquispe@undc.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2352-5670
Hernan Diaz Rengifo
Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga - UNICA, Ica, (Perú).
E-mail: hernan.diaz@unica.edu.pe ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1099-1074
Citación sugerida Suggested citation
Ñañez, M. V., Pariona, R. B., Quispe, J. C., y Diaz, H. (2021). Directive management and pedagogical
innovation model for public universities. 3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. Edición Especial
Tourism and University: Backbone of Peruvian Economy, 33-45. https://doi.org/10.17993/3cemp.2021.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
To achieve success and achieve quality learning, the integral functioning of the processes of
educational institutions must be developed, organized and evaluated, but there is a signicant
gap where the directive management is out of focus with the fulllment of objectives and
lack of pedagogical innovation in their Teaching and learning processes. Therefore, this
research presents a model of directive management and pedagogical innovation for public
universities in the Province of Cañete. The research approach is quantitative with a non-
experimental, correlational and cross-sectional design, the technique used was the survey
which was applied to 20 university professors with respect to the managerial management
variable with its indicators promoting pedagogical changes, decision making, teacher
communication and the dependent variable pedagogical innovation with its indicators
teacher training and technological perspective, with a Cronbach’s alpha coecient of
0.909. The results indicate that 40% of teachers show regular pedagogical changes, 45%
indicate that the use of technology is low in their learning session to achieve competencies
and 60% express that the benet of their decisions for their students is regular. These results
reect that the public universities of Cañete must implement a managerial management
model and technological innovation to improve educational quality based on institutional
development, the fulllment of objectives, be at the forefront of social progress and favor
teaching and learning processes.
Directive Management, Pedagogical Innovation, Model, Public Universities, Cañete.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
In recent years, the demand for teaching directors to be in line with the imposition of
globalization generates many problems to be able to manage their institutions, including
school violence, advances in society and the increase in technology (Reynoso, 2018). For this
reason, teaching directors are in charge of meeting the multiple challenges and demands
of society to achieve institutional development. The directive management is of great
importance in the educational institutions since it allows to improve collectively from the
work in conjunction with the directive teams that must ensure the fulllment of the mission,
vision and objectives of the institution (López, García & Martínez, 2019).
Pedagogical leadership is an essential aspect in directive processes and in the activities that
are carried out daily in institutions, in the same way, pedagogical innovation is a process in
which situations are transformed in a meaningful, pertinent and deliberate way by other
dierent situations. that are functional, aimed at improving educational quality and equity,
adapting to the introduction of new innovative methods (Medina, 2019). Innovation is
a process that requires reection and participation of the directors of the institutions,
in which it is dened, built and socially participates. In teaching, innovation serves as a
transformation generating knowledge and new technologies; involving changes with new
methodologies, teaching techniques to develop knowledge and meaningful learning in
students (Mejía, 2018). Said meaningful learning implies the use of strategies, teaching
resources and methods, thus achieving institutional development. Innovation in teacher
training must be continuous and must point towards the capacities and virtues of teachers
so that they perceive the necessary changes in organizations (Martínez & Ibarra, 2017).
Education implies the appropriation and application of changes for them it is necessary to do
research that promotes teaching techniques and methodologies developing the knowledge
of students. In the province of Cañete, directive management is a complex function since it
requires institutional development, the fulllment of objectives and being at the forefront of
social progress. Optimization is required the organization of institutions and enhance their
teaching and learning processes (Rodríguez, 2018).
The lack of adequate directive management generates that the institutions do not have a
good administration of their resources and therefore the institutional objectives and goals
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
cannot be met, damaging the teaching and learning of students. Executive management
and pedagogical innovation seek to guide the management team to reestablish institutional
processes in search of continuous improvement. For this reason, the objective of the
research is to propose a model of directive management and pedagogical innovation in
public universities of Cañete that improve institutional results, teaching processes through
pedagogical changes, decision-making for the benet of students; For this, the teacher must
train constantly and permanently, as well as be at the forefront of technological advances
to achieve an education for all.
Focuses on the strategic direction, the institutional culture, the organizational climate,
the relations with the environment and the governance of the educational institution.
In this way, the highest authority or rector and the management team organize, develop
and evaluate the general operation of the institution. All organizations currently require
leadership, which is an essential characteristic for management teams who must combine
leadership within their management processes in which competence, skill and attitude serve
to develop the ability to direct, motivate and inuence the work team, meeting shared
goals and continually improving (Miranda, 2016). Directive management in educational
organizations implies dening the scope of management and administration based on the
understandings, perspectives and experiences of the directive personnel (Reynoso, 2018).
In this way, to manage in an educational institution, administrative actions must be carried
out, but also train and train the educational team representing its nature and responsibility
in society.
The promotion of pedagogical changes in the direction and organization of the teaching
process has made them become transmitters of information to leaders of the same; the
teaching authority that imposed inferiority on students has to be changed by the cooperation
between students and teachers so that communication skills can be developed with students,
interaction and direction of their activities, which improves the role of teacher leader (Miña
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
et al., 2018). To develop the change in pedagogy, teachers are needed who are prepared
and updated with capacities to respond to the demands in their professional performance,
who are willing and committed to actively participate in the changes, to achieve their self-
improvement and improve educational quality (Aguiar et al., 2016). Management, attitude
and teacher training are related to change, new learning styles and pedagogical approaches
change the educational mechanism.
Decision-making process in institutions allows dening problems, collecting data, generating
alternatives and selecting courses of action (Bustos & Vicuña, 2016). Teachers constantly
make decisions to conceive, apply and design assessment instruments in the classroom that
improve teaching. Teachers must also make decisions for the benet of students by creating
assessment strategies to improve their academic performance (Gallardo et al., 2012).
For this reason, it is essential that the teacher work to strengthen their evaluation skills
specically in the formative type, which will allow them to closely monitor the student’s
teaching and learning process, achieving the proposed goals and objectives. Another aspect
to achieve good directive management is teacher communication, which is the basis for
learning, being a tool that the teacher must handle in order to achieve good relationships
with students (Abraham, Donoso & Guzmán, 2017). The relationship between the student
and the teacher strengthens the teaching and learning processes; Through dialogue that
transmits, transfers and builds knowledge, forming independence, which allows developing
the reective and critical sense, skills and abilities to develop in society (Escobar, 2015).
Refers to a systemic and complex process that helps to reect and intervene in the learning
process of students (González & Cruzat, 2019). This educational innovation promotes
pedagogical development so that an educational institution faces the rapid obsolescence
of knowledge, constant transformation of society and problems associated with higher
university education. Another function of pedagogical innovation is to solve learning
problems by seeking new ideas, proposals and contributions to create a change in the
context and in teaching practice, being essential for the organizational culture and the
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
improvement of educational quality (Macanchí, Orozco & Campoverde, 2020); being an
alternative of great value to make decisions about educational, pedagogical and didactic
Has to be continuous and permanent so that there is truly a change in society; it is necessary
for development and social transformation that require the teacher to be an active agent
of learning to transform social reality (Nieva & Orietta, 2016). The permanent training
of teachers is understood as an updating process that makes it possible to carry out
pedagogical and professional practices in a meaningful, appropriate and pertinent way in
social contexts and populations that the teacher serves. Therefore, stimulating professional
updating and constant training allows responding to the socioeconomic development of a
country and its specic environment (Vergara et al., 2004). Said teacher training must be
comprehensive, adopting technology as a tool to teach and generate new knowledge in
the student, in addition to training teachers with constructivist, reective and evaluative
practices. Technology in society presents limitations, including technical, security, cultural
and economic problems, but this should not limit teacher training that seeks new learning
alternatives with technological resources (Hernández, Orrego & Quiñones, 2018).
Another aspect to improve pedagogical innovation is the technological perspective that
takes advantage of technology to contribute to the achievement of an education for all. The
trend in the use of technology has been aimed at developing models of distance education
and incorporating new innovative educational practices in teachers and students; Teachers
must have technical knowledge in technology through a positive attitude towards these
resources that are necessary for eective learning (Pedraza et al., 2013). Therefore, teachers
must develop skills to incorporate these new technologies since the quality of learning and
teaching of students is largely related to teacher training. Among the educational changes
generated by technology is the use of platforms where classes can be oered to many users,
which benets students who due to their geographical location are far from being able to
carry out face-to-face training and those who do not have time and prefer to learn from
home in their spare time (Buzón-García, 2005).
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
The present research is of a quantitative approach with a non-experimental, correlational
and cross-sectional design, it is made up of 100 teachers from public universities in the
province of Cañete. The sample consisted of 20 teachers, the instrument used was a
questionnaire about the independent variable directive management with the indicators
promoting pedagogical changes, decision-making and teacher communication with a
total of 12 questions and the dependent variable pedagogical innovation that contains the
indicators teacher training and technological perspective with a total of 8 questions. The
Likert scale was used, validated by the judgment of experts with a reliable questionnaire
with a Cronbach’s alpha coecient of 0.909.
The questionnaire was applied to a total of 20 teachers from public universities in Cañete,
based on this, the following results could be obtained and analyzed:
Table 1 shows the results of the indicator promoting pedagogical changes regarding the
directive management variable, 40% of teachers indicate that the pedagogical changes they
carry out are regular, while 35% consider it high and 25% low.
Table 1. Do you make pedagogical changes by putting your personal experience into practice professional?
Levels Frequency Percentage
Low 5 25%
Regular 8 40%
High 7 35%
Total 20 100%
Source: own elaboration.
Table 2 indicates the results of the decision-making indicator about the same variable, 60%
express that the benet of their decisions for their students is regular, while 40% indicate
that it is high.
Table 2. Do you make decisions for the benet of your students considering their needs?
Levels Frequency Percentage
Low 0 0%
Regular 12 60%
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Levels Frequency Percentage
High 8 40%
Total 20 100%
Source: own elaboration.
Table 3 indicates the results of the teacher communication indicator on the same variable.
80% indicate that the strengthening of the teaching and learning process thanks to
communication is high and 20% consider it regular.
Table 3. Do you consider that teacher communication strengthens the teaching and learning process in students?
Levels Frequency Percentage
Low 0 0%
Regular 4 20%
High 16 80%
Total 20 100%
Source: own elaboration.
Table 4 indicates the results of the teacher training indicator on the pedagogical innovation
variable. 80% indicate that their participation in updating workshops and trainings is
regular and 20% indicate that it is high.
Table 4. Do you participate in the refresher training or workshops proposed by your university?
Levels Frequency Percentage
Low 0 0%
Regular 16 80%
High 4 20%
Total 20 100%
Source: own elaboration.
Table 5 indicates the results of the technological perspective indicator on the dependent
variable. 45% indicate that the use of technology in their learning session to achieve
competencies is low, while 35% consider it regular and 20% high.
Table 5. Do the activities planned in your learning session promote the use of technology to achieve competencies?
Levels Frequency Percentage
Low 9 45%
Regular 7 35%
High 4 20%
Total 20 100%
Source: own elaboration.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Based on the results of the survey, the following model of directive management and
pedagogical innovation in public universities is proposed, which helps us to evaluate the
current state of the national universities of Cañete and then apply the model and obtain
ideal results.
Figure 1: Directive management model and pedagogical innovation.
Source: own elaboration.
This research proposes the application of a model of directive management and pedagogical
innovation in teachers of public universities in Cañete.
In Table 1, 40% of teachers indicate that the pedagogical changes they make are regular, so
that the pedagogical change is high, the teacher’s attitude must be changed and made into a
good leader who develops skills to communicate with their students. This agrees with Miña
et al. (2018) and Aguiar et al. (2016) highlighting that to develop this change in pedagogy,
there is a need for trained and updated teachers who can respond to the demands they have
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
on their professional performance, who are willing and committed to actively participate in
the changes seeking to achieve self-improvement and improvement of educational quality.
In Table 2, 60% of teachers express that the benet of the decisions they make is regular
according to the needs of their students, so they must improve the decision-making process
by collecting data, generating alternatives and selecting a course of action. This agrees with
Bustos and Vicuña (2016) and Gallardo et al. (2012) who consider that it is essential for the
teacher to work on strengthening their assessment skills, specically those of a formative
nature, which allow a close monitoring of the student’s teaching and learning process to
achieve the goals and proposed objectives.
In Table 3, 80% of teachers indicate that their participation in updating workshops and
training is regular, teacher training must be permanent and continuous so that there can be
a change in the way of teaching the teacher and student learning. This agrees with Nieva
and Orietta (2016) and Hernández et al. (2018) who consider that teacher training has to
be continuous and permanent for there to truly be a change in society. Teacher training
is necessary for development and social transformation that require a change in which
priority is given to the teacher as an active agent of learning transforming society.
In Table 4, 45% of teachers indicate that the use of technology in their learning session
for the achievement of competences is low, technology should be used in the training of
both the teacher and the student using technological trends in education. Which agrees
with Pedraza et al. (2013) and Buzón-García (2005) that teachers have to develop skills to
incorporate these new technologies since the quality of student learning and teaching is
largely related to teacher training.
In Table 5, 80% of teachers indicate that the strengthening of the teaching and learning
process thanks to communication is high, the results indicate that teacher communication is
the basis for learning and for the achievement of good relationships with the student. This
agrees with Abraham et al. (2017) and Escobar (2015) who consider that communication in
the relationship between the student and the teacher is of great importance to strengthen the
teaching and learning processes in students. At the same time, dialogue develops freedom,
personality, self-condence and the expression of thought, forming autonomous people
with abilities and skills to function in society.
3C Empresa. Investigación y pensamiento crítico. ISSN: 2254-3376 Edición Especial Special Issue Enero 2021
Special thanks to the National University of Cañete, the Research Group on Entrepreneurship
and Innovation C@ñeteLab, its great professors, valuable students and collaborators for
carrying out this scientic article throughout these years of study. Specially to Miss Diana
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