3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
This paper presented a study in which S-rotors have been employed as a power generation
unit. The design and construction of a Savonius rotor has been carried out in this paper
and S-rotors have been proved to be used in power generation units. S-Rotors are generally
highly aected by varying geometric parameters and blade shapes. S-rotors produce high
starting torques and low cut-in speeds. Furthermore, factors such as Overlap Ratio, Aspect
ratio, number of blades and number of stages have been briey discussed in this paper.
It is also concluded that by increasing/decreasing the factors discussed above, the Power
Coecient of the wind turbine varies. For the design of blades and the selection of material
for the wind turbine, Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) was chosen as the best material available. It
was chosen mainly because of its low cost and durability. Furthermore, choosing the suitable
Aspect and Overlap ratio is a dicult task but from the work of Blackwell et al. (1978) it can
be inferred that keeping the Overlap ratio to a minimal and increasing the Overlap ratio;
increased the power coecient of the Savonius Rotor. Finally, for a better power coecient,
the authors predict a two blade two stage rotor will do a better job for conventional wind
turbines but will prove ineective if the wind currents are equally distributed from the top
to the bottom on the whole blade design.
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Blackwell, B. F., Sheldahl, R. E., & Feltz, L. V. (1978). Wind tunnel performance data
for two-and three-bucket Savonius rotors. Journal of Energy, 2(3), 160-164. https://
Kyozuka, Y. (2008). An experimental study on the Darrieus-Savonius turbine for the
tidal current power generation. Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, 3(3), 439-449.