3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Noviembre 2020
The following table shows in a structured way the perspectives, general objectives, specic
objectives, and corresponding indicators that are part of a corporate strategic plan.
The BSC is congured in four hierarchically aligned perspectives under a causal alignment.
This structure responds to the logic of the so-called strategic map, which in turn is constituted
by the causal relationship of the strategic objectives derived from the institutional strategic
plan. The perspectives considered are nancial, commercial, internal processes, and
learning; each one of them, in turn, is made up of strategic objectives, indicators, and goals.
The BSC is used as a strategic management model, a communication tool, and, in its best
implementations, an organizational change tool. This management model is based on a
basic principle stated as “you can only manage what you can measure” (Lamé, Jouini &
Stal-Le Cardinal, 2019).
The BSC is a tool that translates strategy into action. BSC is a performance planning and
management model that places strategy at the center of the process. The applicability of the
BSC has no limits of any nature because being a comprehensive management measurement
system can be adapted to any organization, for tangible or intangible processes, for large or
small organizations, public or private.
There is a wide variety of software tools to implement and automate the operation of this
important strategic management tool. However, there is one that, taking the institutional
strategic plan as a reference base, allows move towards management by indicators. This
is the case of Sixtina BSC, whose exibility, robustness, and user-friendliness allow for
relatively easy incorporation of the designed strategic matrix into the strategic plan.
The software organizes the management indicators in a structured manner. The highest
hierarchy is General Compliance, then Critical Factor, then Indicator, and nally, Data.
This structure is causal, i.e., the sequencing starts from the Learning perspective, then
Internal processes, Customers, and Financial. The person responsible for designing the
BSC assigns the weighted weights to each of the management indicators.
The BSC dashboard shows in the second column, the performance status of each
indicator in the chromatic form: green means satisfactory, yellow is equivalent to alert,
and red indicates decient. The next column shows the actual value of each indicator; this