3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Abril 2020
Many Engineers and Physicists credit Nikola Tesla for the concept of wireless power transfer,
ignoring Faraday being the pioneer of the concept of transferring energy wirelessly when
he demonstrated how Electromotive-Force and Current were induced in a conductor when
subjected to a changing magnetic eld, and hence the concept of Wireless Power Transfer
was derived. In 1892, Nikola Tesla believed wireless power transfer was possible and began
building what he called the ‘Tesla Tower’. This 200 feet high tower was energized with
300kW of power but couldn’t prove to succeed because of the long distance approach
(Johnson, 1990). The late 19
century saw an attempt to power electric vehicles through
electrodynamic induction, but combustion engines proved much more ecient. In 1978, the
United States powered an electrical vehicle successfully; while in 1987, Canada successfully
ew the rst fuel-free airplane model. Commercial use of powering smartphones wirelessly
came up on the scene after 2009, when Palm Inc. introduced wireless charging in their
smartphones. Samsung and Apple followed the lead and presented wireless charging in
2013 and 2014 respectively.
Wirless power transfer is the dawn of a new age. At present, many companies have
introduced commercial use of wireless charging for smartphones, EV cars and other
electronic devices. Wireless Power Transfer has even made its mark in the healthcare,
especially in the implantable medical devices. This study presents a simple prototype which
can be employed for smartphones or cars with an impressive eciency of 72% when placed
in proximity.
Wireless power transfer can be classied into two elds; NFWPT (Near Field Wireless power
technology) and FFWPT (Far Field Wireless power technology) (Hassan & Elzawawi, 2015).
NFWPT is further classied as electromagnetic induction, as it depends on the coupling
of the magnetic-eld between the two coils, which explains why it has a short range. The
eld (range) of NFWPT decreases exponentially. It includes Inductive Power Transfer