3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Abril 2020
The global bearings market was valued at approximately USD 92.81 billion in 2017 (Bizwit
Research & Consulting LLP, 2019). Ball bearings are a common component in machinery
that nds widespread use in numerous industrial applications. These include air, water and
land transport, agriculture, construction, manufacturing and mining industries. Premature
bearing failures is one of the main reasons for machinery down time (Jacobs et al., 2016). The
failure mechanisms of bearings have been well researched and documented i.e. Brinelling,
Contamination, Corrosion, Fatigue, Fit, Lubrication, Misalignment and Overloading
(Massi et al., 2010; Bhadeshia, 2012; Upadhyay, Kumaraswamidhas, & Azam, 2013).
However, bearings may also fail due to Electrical Current Discharges (ECD) that may
originate with lightning, high voltage spikes or high potential dierences. The cause of
bearing failure due to electric current passage has been recognised for almost a century (Liu,
2014). As a matter of fact, electric potential dierence exists between shafts and bearing
housings in machinery equipment due to the asymmetric eects of the magnetic elds,
magnetized shaft, and electrostatic eects, etc. (Chiou, Lee, & Lin, 2009). Some practical
solutions to mitigate bearing currents has worked eectively for sinusoidal alternating
currents i.e. shaft grounding to bypass current, ceramic-coated bearings and hybrid insulated
bearings. Some of these solutions are not as eective against the fast switching Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) inverter technology that causes high frequency non-sinusoidal bearing
current (Liu, 2014). A diversity of condition monitoring techniques exist that can be used
to identify developmental bearing failure.
The purpose of this paper is to present an innovative jig that may be used to expose
mechanical bearings to ECD, in order to clarify its associated eects on the bearing that
need to be understood before any mitigating techniques can be proposed. Firstly, an
overview of the construction and operation of dierent types of key bearings is presented.
Secondly, analysis techniques are presented to separate a single failure mechanism from the
complex mechanisms. Thirdly, a method is presented using an ignition coil wiring harness
of a vehicle to safely induce ECD across a specic bearing. Fourthly, the obtained results are
discussed. Finally, concluding remarks and recommendations are presented.