197 http://doi.org/10.17993/3ctecno.2020.specialissue4.195-205
3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Marzo 2020
In digital image processing, edge/boundary feature is one of the very important
characteristics of the image, and it is a signicant part of image processing, analyzing,
pattern recognition and computer vision. Edge detection outcomes aect further image
analyzing and pattern/texture recognition directly (Amer & Abushaala, 2015). In recent
days, Image edge detection has become the main research theme in image processing
technology. With the advance of science and technology, researchers have analyzed and
proposed some techniques for the detection of edges in an image and assessment of edge
detection. At the same time, these edge/boundary recognition methods are applied to
the area of digital vision and pattern recognition, which make the use of edge detection
technology more broadly. Over the years, segmentation of an image has been creating more
and more attention. Lots of image segmentation techniques have been put forward. They
can be divided into dierent methods like bit threshold method, edge detection method and
regional growth method (Argyle, 1971; Canny, 1989). Edge detection method comprises
of: edge detection operator which contains mask like Roberts operator, Prewitt operator,
LOG operator and Sobel operator (Abbasi & Abbasi, 2007). Sobel mask is slightly better
than others. The classical Sobel technique also has some problems such as it is sensitive to
the vertical and horizontal direction only (Lakshmi & Sankaranarayanan, 2010). However,
the information in the image is not restricted to the horizontal and vertical directions; it can
make an element of the image information lose. In this paper, a new improved operator
is proposed to detect more image information. In the modied Sobel operator, 2 direction
patterns (315 degrees and 360 degrees) are added to get multi-directional image acquisition.
Then calculate the threshold by using the Otsu method and rene the detected rough edges
by using the method to achieve the results of image edge detection. Edge detection eect
can be achieved better by using the Matlab simulation method.
Roberts operator: It did not pass smooth analysis, so it is very sensitive to the noise.
Prewitt operator and Sobel operator: extraction of edge/boundaries eect is almost
the same (Lakshmi & Sankaranarayanan, 2010; Abbasi & Abbasi, 2007). Sobel operator is
a weighted average lter, Prewitt operator is an average lter; Sobel operator have better