3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
cannot be given based on a free will of a person. This, of course, has drawn
sharp criticism from the UNHCR, it is held that refusing medical examinations
cannot prevent international protection for asylum children. (Separated Children
in Europe Program, 2012).
Fourthly, most specialist doctors say that age estimation is an estimation and it
is very dicult for those between the ages of 5 and 6, while in other places it
is very important. In fact, the medical methods can only estimate age, and this
will make us fall into the margin of error. No reliable method for pediatricians
at Royal College of England has been able to provide accurate age detection.
They believe that there are several factors that inuence the maturation and the
process of skeletal maturation.
Assessment of age should be provided only with other available evidence that can
be validated by the English Supreme Court if medical tests have failed to provide
denitive proof of age and their most accurate measurement shows at least two
years of error. Thus, the role of interviews conducted by social workers became
an important step. While being a compromise, the interviews with social workers
have been heavily criticized by various NGOs as being subjective interpretations.
An important case in this regard is the Case of Mubilanzila Mayeka and Kaniki
Mitunga v. Belgium (Mayeka, 2006), considered by the ECH Rights. The wrong
treatment of a child might constitute a reversal of Art. 3, the prohibition of
torture and other graft. In that case, the 4-year-old girl, arrived in Belgium as a
refugee child who is not a neighbor, he was detained along with other adults who
caused him depression. Finally, the court concluded that this orphaned child,
who is an illegal immigrant in a foreign country and is not supported by the
family, will certainly be vulnerable. Secondly, the child was sent to the Republic
of the Congo without any supervision of the child there (Mayeka, 2006; Qazvini,
2018; Eslami & Ahmadi, 2019; Jabbari et al., 2019).
The interview assessment being called a good alternative for age determination
raises new problems and challenges to human rights. Firstly, the social workers
and personnel are not suciently trained to assess the age. Secondly, children