Edición Especial Special Issue Octubre 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17993/3ctic.2019.83-2.30-43
We must believe that the inner properties of dierent nations are not the same,
and simply because of the old dichotomy (enemy, friend) this happens in dierent
nations and people. Even in those primeval times, there were many descriptions of
the way of life, personality traits and moral values of dierent nations. In ancient
times, however, knowledge of the individual traits of each nation was studied in a
descriptive, stored fashion, with only a practical focus, but has changed over time.
At that time, the sciences were growing rapidly, leading to a comparative study
of nations (history, geography, anthropology and linguistics), a profound and
complete inference of acquired ethnological information. A modern theoretical
model emerges that focuses on learning the facts about human behavior, but
there are numerous variations in the activity of the masses of nations: for the
rst time they have made decisions about the historical destiny of their lands. In
addition, the process of the creation of the European nations was accelerated.
Since then, all these issues have prompted dierences of opinion between dierent
ethnicities to shift the issue of unpleasant interest and scientic analysis to many
scholars. In the course of the twentieth century, educational questions about the
character of a nation, its subjectivity, and the form of their historic substantiation
are transforming into a research linking a national mind set and nature. Gimilf
thinks that a national plural character is no more than a legend.
According to Gimilf in Year 5, while preserving the ethnological phase sequence
for each new era, the personality traits of each nation always change according
to a real situation, so a national character should not be regarded as a sustainable
and liberal learning. A Gimblef illustrator cites the moving forces of a Russian
national popular character, traits that have been traced back to dierent historical
periods. In his work, Tromov calls this methodological relativism. It shows
Russian idea, roots, nature, and social cultural revelations, so the explanation of
the national character means a period of historical sways, but the durability of
some traits is declined. Some prevailing exegesis of the complexity of national
character and subjectivity in modern scientic literature lead to the form of
research studies.